Chapter One

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The Lost Realm, a mysterious place, homed to many wonderful people and stories waiting to thrive. Like our world, the Lost Realm flourishes with something we wish we had. Magic. Magic makes this place so splendid, yet so dangerous as there are those who use it for good, and others evil. We set our first tale in this veiled domain, in the Kingdom of Enchancia, a woodland kingdom filled with many magical folk, creatures and stories waiting to happen.

One morning, as dawn rose, and the world woke with the bird's melody riding the light breeze throughout the calm forest. Far east, close to the castle, in the enchanting forest lived a special elf. Her name was Annabella. She marched her way from her tree house through the forest following a dirt path which directly took her to the Elf Mine. A long the way, she ate an apple while carrying a jingling potato sack. She marched with confidence, as if nothing was going to stop her, while keeping a stern look like she was desperate to get to work.

Howls and loud trudges echoed throughout the forest as strange creatures slowly passed her in the distance. A gigantic shroom-beast growled at her in the distance as it emerged from its filthy slumber. She froze as their eyes locked, for a moment, the world stood still like nothing mattered. The beast exhaled loudly causing steam to rush out of its nostrils before slowly stomping away and disappearing into the forests shadow, leaving behind a crater. Annabella exhaled loudly, her heart thudded as she watched the beast walk away, she had never seen such a magnificent beast before. She took a couple of minutes to get her breathing under control, by crouching down until she felt ready to continue.

An hour later, she came across a wide, clean road which was suspiciously empty since it was the royal road. It was always busy, due to deliveries from other kingdoms. Deliveries which brought food, clothes, and mysterious relics to the kingdom. Swiftly, she walked out looking both ways to make sure the coast was clear. To her right, a few miles down the road was the castle, and the left, open farmland leading to the world. She darted to the other side and found another path leading a few miles down, was the Elf Mine.

The mine was extremely busy, even early in the morning, the dwarf trolls marched into the mine carrying their axes over their shoulders, whistling as the elevator slowly descended into the dark abyss. An elf with shaggy orange hair, hazel eyes wearing an olive-green hat, green trousers, and a fitted green shirt. He stood at the elevator, pulling the lever while watching and making sure the other miners delivered the magic crystals into the workshop. He slumped his posture while looking tired, yawning every thirty seconds until he saw Annabella. His face lit up as if there was a spring in his step.

"Good morning, Boss!" He shouted.

"Morning, Gee!" She smirked as she marched past him, the potato sack clanked and smashed which caught his attention.

"Hauling a dead body in there?" He giggled; Annabella immediately stopped.

"A dead body? No!" She nervously grinned, "The fairies want me to send them a few crystals, that's all." She resumed marching, but this time lightly jogging while stumbling in her white heels.

She ran towards the windmill with two elf guards stood by the main entrance. As she came closer, she noticed they were sleeping. Instead of stopping, she barged her way through the door which woke them up, all they saw before the door slammed was pink hair and that was when they began panicking. Inside, a spiralled staircase connected to the chaotic environment below. Conveyer belts decorated the workshop floor with elves filling tulle bags with magical dust, chatting away to one another as guards stood at every corner. Above, was a humungous bowl with a circular boulder crushing magic stones, turning them to dust after a few crushes, then the dust was transported through a tube to the conveyer belt. The elf mine was one of four mines around the Lost Realm which supplied the fairies with their magic. The dust helped fairies fly, cast spells as well as medical and scientific purposes.

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