chapter 8 | Dinner

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Y/n pov

Been a week since the party and since then i had built this relationship with Scarlett that is honestly one of the best things I've had with someone.

We text day and night talking about how we felt while filming, Sharing some personal and funny things we've experienced

I know to myself i like Scarlett even before meeting her in person...i wanna be with her, i wanna wake up beside her, and yknow be a family... however, I don't want to tell her how i feel and ruin this beautiful thing we have

As i was looking at the fridge looking for something to cook for dinner my phone started ringing and as soon as i saw the name confusion just started hitting me

"Hey Schmoopsie-poo" hailee greeted playfully making me chuckle

"What do you want?" I asked grabbing some wine

" Uh, don't give me an attitude like that. You wanna go to dinner? " She gasp dramatically

"I'm already having dinner" i pouted pouring myself some

" Vodka isn't dinner "

" Don't worry it's not " i smiled wickedly to my self

" Come on, I'm starving and i wanna catch up. Leave your alcoholic with social problem self for once"

" Your treat? "

" Uhhhh finee" she groaned and i can feel the eyes rolling from a mile away

"Be here at 8" she added and i just agreed before she ended the call

"I will miss you" i faked crying kissing my wine before grabbing my keys and a coat to go for a 30 minutes drive to her house"

As i was on the road my phone started ringing again but it's a facetime from miss Scarlett Johansson "hey" i stated answering it but stayed focused in the road since it's already dark

"Hey uhm....i was wondering if you're available for dinner... Tonight?" She asked hesitantly

"Oh...uhm.. i actually am on my way to hailee right now..."

"Steinfeld?" She asked leaning closer to the camera making me actually smile to myself coz she looks like those moms that don't know how facetime works

"Yeah...uhmm.. she asked me to go on a dinner and i already said yes, can't take it back or I'll get murdered so" i chuckled

"Like... A date?" She asked still looking hesitantly but i stayed quiet not because it is and i don't wanna tell her but i just got confused on how invested she is to know by her facial expression

" Oh I'm sorry, i shouldn't ask that" she suddenly chuckled awkwardly

" It's ok " i smiled

" Ok... Uh i think I'll end the uhm call now I'm sorry again, I'll see you tomorrow" she says and i just nodded

Her cam just faced the ceiling and i suddenly heard her having a conversation with rose..maybe she didn't really press that end button?

"Did she say yes mommy??" Rose asked in the background seems excited

"No... she's having dinner with someone else" Scarlett responded with a sigh

"hmm...but what about your dress?" Rose asked again making me more invested on the conversation

"I'm just gonna ask her next time" Scarlett stated grabbing the phone and i immediately ended it not wanting her to feel embarrassed that she didn't hang up

As i arrived at hailee's i immediately spotted the paparazzi and so my handy cap and facemask does the job

I developed a skill where i can recognize a paparazzi even if they wear a military camouflage uniform

As i went inside i made my self comfortable throwing the cap and mask on the couch while i spotted Hailey at the kitchen

"Heyy" i greeted giving her a kiss on the cheeks

"Oh.. hey" she responded seemed panicky

"Perfect, you didn't put any effort to look fancy and I'm pretty sure you saw those paparazzi outside...i decided to just cook and we can have dinner here" she says removing the apron she was wearing

She made me sit down as she served the food she made "i know you're trying to go vegan but just eat" she says making me chuckle putting steak at my plate before sitting in front

"Sooo? How's the project with Scarlett? You're a lucky one"

"It was great"

"That's it??? No OH MY GOD I'M WORKING WITH MY CRUSH MY ENTIRE GAY LIFE??? Who are you?" She asked playfully slicing her steak

I stayed quiet as she stared at me before releasing a heavy breath holding my hand squeezing it in a comforting way

"he's ok...." She smiled referring about oaky

" I know... I just miss him"

" You've been so drained and dry like.. I don't know after what happened to just went 0 energy.. which is understandable...but you know oaky... he's sad when you are.. so? "

"are you comflirting me or something? " I asked sarcastically earning an eye roll as she pushed my hand away

"Disgusting" she shaked her head andni just laughed it out

"Butttt as your friend, i suggest you throw all those feelings for her away.. i mean first of all she's not even gay"

"She's fruity" i shrugged

"Just because she's fruity you're assuming it could work?"

"No, my gay radar says she's gay and sweetie when did my radar failed?" I asked earning a satisfied nod

"Ok lets say she's bi"

"Mkay?" I took a sip of my wine

"Do you think she's open to have a relationship after those divorces? I mean I'd be done if i was in that situation"

"fortunately, you're not so?"

"I'm trying to help you hear" she huffed but i just took another bite of my food completely ignoring her

" really wave towards instead of running away from red flags" she mumbled making me broke my seriousness looking down laughing...true

I fixed my seat, drinking my wine getting ready to throw her some facts "look" i huffed as she rolls her eyes "there she goes, gonna say a whole lost of delusions" she says shaking her head also taking a sip of her drink

"I don't like men, i like pussy, genuinely don't like the pregnant idea...BUTTTT... i like kids.. Scarlett is not a man, she have what i want... And kids... it's a jackpot for me" i shrugged

"ok ok but what is SHE gonna get from YOU"

"love, money, a co parent and best sex of her life" i shrugged

" Win win " i added

"but does she likes you? " She raised a brow

" Anddddd that's the problem"

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