⁹ Conspiracy

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" Are you sure General Jeon is at the Blue Moon building?" Conred asked.

"Yes sir, he went there as part of this year's encampment." One of his allies announced.

" Strange." Ravenous chuckle reverberated in the closed room.

" Looks like I got a perfect opportunity to go goose hunt." Conred laughed boisteriously.

The manly figure walked out of the widely lit hall and dragged himself into a dark room. His ears perked at the distorted but predetermined murmurs from a slouched female in the bed.

He patted on the murmuring figure's head. She raised her head, red rimmed eyes staring viciously at him.

" Did you get him?" She asked expectedly like a lunatic.

"Very soon he will be here. With you." He said confidently.

His confidence radiated a sly grin on her cruel face.

He continued.

" Unlikely of him, he went with the encampment programme this year. Either he thinks he is safe or is willingly staying there, offering himself as a bait." He asked, thinking she might have already know this news.

She rose up, resting her head on the bed board. "Does that mean he will be here with me as mine?" Her eyes gleamed at his smiling response.

" In my bed?"

He again nodded with a crooked smile.

The night ended with the two laughing evily and webbing conspiracies to trap the General of the Raven Army.


A new morning buzzed in the green sided land. Birds chirped unceasingly. Utensils clanged and clinged in the kitchen while the groans and moans from the soldiers' as the result of their immense work outs peirced the serenity of the morning.

Taehyung is lying naked on his makeshift bed. Except for the piece of cloth that wrapped tightly around his vagina.

He is in his menstruation.

It's been four months since the camp has begun and it's the first time he is getting his periods in these months. And it is being agonizing from the moment he opened his eyes marked with immense stomach ache and unceasing blood flow.

His hormones are all over the place and has been murmuring complaints endlessly with his honey tinted red lips.

He went in search of Kimchima to tell her that he couldn't be able to join in the chores. In one such cursed moments he got shoved by Jennie, on his way to the laundry room. She was getting out in a hurry. But before the door got closed, Taehyung spotted the General wearing his military shirt. His heart had stopped momentarily and Jennie found it the right moment to mess with the hormone stuck male.

" He is as feisty as he looks." Jennie sprinkled innumerable giggles at the male and ran away shyly.

This lone incident has turned the male unapproachable. He ran to his Kimichima and asked for a few days of rest which she complied knowing how difficult it is for the first three days.

Thereby Taehyung is now resting in his tent. The curtain door is equipped only to be slid from inside. He felt heat crippling his body and was sweating profusely. Hence he removed his cloth, leaving only the essentials to soak the blood.

More than the physical pain, Taehyung felt an alienated sensation in his heart. It is also aching in correspondence with the mental imagery of General wearing his shirt unbothered. He sighed and tried to sleep.

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