Chapter 6

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I think about what Tori said on the way to Jade's. Maybe there's an element to it that's true, but I have only known her for 2 days and sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between liking someone and having the rush of getting to know a new person. Earlier definitely made me feel certain things but that doesn't mean I'm into her.

I arrive at Jade's house and head up the stairs to her door, knocking on it a few times before taking a step back. There's no answer so I knock again. Again, no answer so I take out my phone and give her a ring. She answers but doesn't say a thing.
"I've got your coffee cup, can you come let me in?" I ask. I hear a grunt before the call ends so I wait a few minutes and she opens the door. She's wrapped up in a blanket covering most of her body and over her head. "Oh, come here, you." I whisper, pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back gently.
"I don't want to be here right now." She murmurs. She's so quiet I almost don't hear her.
"Do you want to come over to mine?" I ask, knowing how upset she must be feeling. I feel her nod so let her in my car before putting the coffee cup back in her kitchen and driving back home.

Jade's still wrapped up in the blanket by the time we arrive at the house, but as we're walking up the driveway she unwraps herself and just holds it instead, I suppose in case Tori or Trina were to see her.
"Do you wanna stay for the night?" I ask, unlocking the door and heading in with her following strangely closely behind. I look back to see her nod, not overly paying attention. "Hungry?" I ask, a no this time. "When was the last time you ate?" She shrugged. "Do you like mac n cheese?" No. "Baked potato?" No. "Chicken nuggets and smileys?" Yes. Gotcha.

I chuck some nuggets and smileys in the oven and take Jade upstairs and to my room. I feel slightly judged as she looks around my room, picking at certain things but right now that's not my main priority.

"Do you wanna borrow some clothes?" I question, picking some out for myself since I was still wearing hers. She's still in her clothes from the day which look pretty uncomfortable. She nods so I hand her some grey joggers and a big shirt. "Bathrooms down there but beware, I share with Trina and Tori so you can change in here if you'd prefer and I can take the bathroom." I explain. I receive a nod from her so head to the bathroom to change, moving Trina's towels and products out of the way. She takes up 90% of the room in the bathroom.

Once changed, I head back to my room and knock on the door before getting the okay to come back in.
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
"Like shit. Like there's something missing." She explains, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. I sit next to her, falling backwards and laying there.
"It makes sense, you were with him for years." I reply.
"I just feel like I'm gonna get jealous when I see him with a new girl. All the girls in school are like- in love with him." She sighs, following my motion and falling back onto the bed.
"If it makes any difference, I'm not." I smiled at her.
"Why?" She asks, turning her head to look at me.
"Why would I? I don't know him, and what I do know of him sucks. And he'd be nothing without his hair." I reply with my truthful opinion.
"Part of me will always love him." She sighs.
"Of course, you were with him for so long." I reply.
"I don't wanna keep talking about emotions. It's gross. It's something Tori does." She sighs, rolling her eyes and reaching for my TV remotes.

Eventually I end up getting Jade her food and we watch The Scissoring once again. We stay under the covers for the most part, quite close together too. I grab some popcorn and some... drinks for us, I feel like she needs it after the day she had.

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