Chapter 13

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'What a mess'

The night was over quickly, maybe a little too quickly. I wake up still on top of Jade, her arm resting on my back to keep me where I am.
"Morning." She rasps, noticing I was awake.
"Morning." I reply, not sure whether I should bring up the fact she broke into my house.
"Just say what you're thinking." She says after a moment.
"What?" I ask, taken back.
"You're clearly thinking about something so say what it is." She states.
"I was just wondering if I should bring up last night..." I murmur.
"Why were you ignoring me?" She asks, bringing it up.
"I wasn't." I lie, not sure what to say.
"You're lying." She states. She repositions me so that I'm straddling her and looking down at her.
"I-I'm not lying." I stutter, now finding it harder to lie now that I'm looking her in her eyes. "Trina said-" I start.
"Why would Trina say anything about me? Especially when it has to do with you ignoring me." She asks, furrowing her brows slightly.
"She was just telling me to- be safe." I murmur. I was thinking about telling her the truth about playing hard to get but I think she'd figure out what that means and I'm not ready for that.
"Be safe?" She huffs.
"I don't know." I murmur, attempting to stand up before she pulls me back down.
"I know you're lying to me but I hope that you tell me when you're ready." She states, letting me get off of her now.

I head downstairs and make myself breakfast, making sure to make enough for Jade if she wants any. I shoot her a text before beginning to eat my food.
"Y/n, I told you to play hard to get. Why did I just see her upstairs?" Trina asks, coming down the stairs and yelling at me.
"Keep your voice down Trina! It was an accident. She just appeared." I explain.
"Just appeared?" She asks. "What did you do, some sort of voodoo ritual?" She adds.
"Just shut it. She's going to be down here any second now." I reply quickly.
"Fine. But we're going to talk about this later. Is that her shirt?" She asks.
"Yes, now go." I huff.

Jade joins me on the sofa almost immediately after Trina leaves so I'm in the clear.
"Thanks, babygirl." She says, breakfast in hand.
"You're welcome." I reply. "So, are we going to keep this fake dating thing going? Sam and Carly already found out..." I explain.
"How?" She asks quickly as if it was the most impossible thing.
"I just said something wrong and Sam figured it out." I reply.
"Well, Cat and Robbie are too dumb to figure it out, for now at least. So I say we keep it going." She states. "Up for that?" She asks.
"Uh... yeah." I reply. How can I play hard to get but also fake date her? God, what a mess.
"Good." She smiles slightly before masking it up by eating food. "You've still got my shirt on."
She states after a while.
"It was comfy... and the first one that I could find." I explain quickly.
"Woah, no need to get so defensive. It's cute." She replies, finishing the last bit of food off of her plate. She stands up, taking my empty plate and taking them to the kitchen. "Do you want to watch a movie?" She asks upon her return.
"Sure." I reply, turning the TV on.

We watch 'Level 16' then end up doing homework... well I make Jade do homework with me because I needed to do some and she wasn't going to leave.
"So, you know what I want to do after school, but what do you want to do?" She asks.
"Maybe college. I want to major in English literature. Or become an author." I explain.
"That's why you want to put book pages on your locker?" She asks. "When are you going to get around to that?" She adds.
"Maybe tomorrow." I reply.
"Want help?" She questions.
"Uh, maybe." I reply.
"You keep saying maybe." She observes.
"Sorry. I guess I'm not sure about a lot." I reply.
"Don't be sorry. I'm done." She huffs, throwing the paper down.
"How? What was the last question?" I sigh, completely confused about the work.

After a few hours, Jade ends up going home. She was reluctant about it but Trina kept giving her death stares, then she would turn to me and give the same. Tori also got home so Jade didn't want to be around her which is understandable.

A/n: This is a shorter chapter, sorry</3 I'm about to go out and don't have time to write any more... (I schedule it for 6:30 am and I won't be able to write it before then...) Anyway I hope that you enjoyed and thank you for reading<3

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