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Benedict Bridgerton tugged on the sleeves of his ruffled shirt, he was boiling already. Now he understood why Eloise constantly complained. Tonight, he found himself traveling in one of his family's carriages to Lady Danbury's home for a ball. He honestly couldn't bother to remember the reason, and just believed it was Lady Danbury being her extra self and throwing a ball just because she could.

"Benny, stop messing with your sleeve, you are going to ruin it."

The man pursed his lips, sighing deeply before glancing up at his sister-in-law, Loren Bridgerton, who was giving him a knowing look. "I just do not understand why it is I who must accompany you. You're married now, Anthony should be here."

"He is away on business, and I want to spend time with you, Benedict, we've barely seen one another." Benedict scoffed, "Hm, I wonder why." He muttered, knowing that Loren would catch on to what he was suggesting. She rolled her sapphire eyes, "Don't be lewd."

"Am I not being honest?"

Loren waved him off, her gaze shifting to the window as she watched the scenery pass by, "You should be wanting to go to these sort of events, you could find yourself a suitor." Benedict laughed heartily, "You cannot be saying this, considering you went to tons of balls and yet were still in love with your closest friend."

"You know, I do not appreciate how this conversation keeps coming back to me, I am discussing  you right now, Benny." The man crossed his arms over his chest, slouching slightly in his seat. His Mother wasn't around, therefore he could be more lax. But then again, he frankly didn't always do what his Mother wished. He was the second eldest brother, Anthony was a Viscount, he held the responsibilities. Benedict just lived his life and worked on his art.

It was nice.

But now that Anthony had married Loren, Violet Bridgerton was going to spend this season searching for a wife for Benedict. He knew this. It was all he'd heard from his siblings since the wedding. And here Loren was, already trying to convince him to search for a wife.

But Benedict didn't want this, not now at least.

He wanted time to travel, to focus on his artwork, a wife was the least of his worries as of now. But then again, he didn't have a specific time or age where he planned to search for a woman to spend his life with.

He was waiting for love to walk in.

Benedict Bridgerton didn't want a loveless marriage, he didn't understand how anyone could. No, he wanted a choice. He wanted his wife to have a choice. But he also knew that there was absolutely no way he'd find the perfect wife for him here.

All the ladies in the ton were practically the same, although there were few exceptions. He didn't want some proper lady, he yearned for someone who wished for adventure, who didn't care if her gown was filthy and torn, or if she was being improper.

No matter what "flaws" the ton would consider such a woman to have, Benedict would love her all the same.

The carriage rolled slowly to a stop, they had arrived. Benedict let out a huff, trying to prep himself for the nights events. "Well, are you ready, Benny?" Loren questioned as she smoothed out her baby blue gown.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose." He murmured as a footman pulled open the carriage door. Benedict clamored out first, straightening out his navy tailcoat before extending his arm for Loren to take as she exited the carriage.

"Thank you, dear." She said, sending him a grateful smile as they began walking toward the entrance of Lady Danbury's home, meeting up with the rest of the family. Violet Bridgerton was on Colin Bridgerton's arm, Eloise trailing behind looking absolutely miserable. Benedict struggled not to laugh at the sight. After an unsuccessful season for the second eldest daughter, Violet was absolutely determined to find her a husband.

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