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That night, Benedict Bridgerton dreamed of her. He dreamed of her song. He dreamed of being with her in every aspect.

Of waltzing with her.

Of drawing her.

Of embracing her.

Of holding her hand in his.

Of kissing her red lips... of dragging her to his bed where her moans of pleasure, of his name, would turn into a song just for him to hear.  And he would beg for it every night, just to hear it once more.





The man jolted awake, sweat caking his body as he let out heavy pants, trying to recover from the visions that plagued his mind.

A loud knock echoed throughout his bedchamber, and the voice rang out again, "Benedict!" That was Eloise, always trying to interrupt his beauty sleep.

With a huff, he collapsed back onto the bed, pulling the blanket over his body, "What!?" He exclaimed, wanting nothing more than to continue to indulge in his fantasies during his slumber.

"Mama wishes for you to join her downstairs!" Benedict groaned, "But why?" "She wishes to discuss last night-wait, why am I even explaining myself! Make haste, Benedict!"

Knowing his sister would stop at nothing until he did as she asked, Benedict rose and began to prepare himself for the day. As he bathed and dressed, he found himself humming Lady Campbell's tune.

He also found himself wondering how she was fairing. Had she made it home safely? What was she doing this very moment? Was she thinking of him too?

"Ugh, maybe Charles was right." He murmured as he grabbed his sketchbook and headed out the door. He barely knew this woman and yet she was the only thing on his mind.

Was this how Anthony is with Loren? He'd have to ask.

Making his way down the corridor, he headed toward the dining room, where his Mother and a few of his siblings were waiting. Eloise was seated beside Loren, who were discussing something he could not bother to eavesdrop in,  Hyacinth and Gregory were seated near the end of the table, bickering over their food. And there sat Violet at the head of the table, with a seat and a plate beside her ready for Benedict.

She smiled at her son, beckoning him over. And he listened, taking a seat beside her, not hesitating to shove a biscuit into his mouth.

Violet stared at him in distaste, "Good morning, Benedict." She greeted. Around a mouthful of biscuit, he replied, "Good morning, Mother."

"I'll skip the small talk and instead ask about last night."

Benedict reached for another biscuit, "What about last night?" He shoved another biscuit in his mouth, "You know what exactly what I mean, Benedict." The man shrugged, reaching for yet another biscuit. Violet exhaled deeply, giving his hand a light smack, "Ow!" He exclaimed, "I just wanted a biscuit!"

"Enough with the biscuits! What happened last night?" She was eager to know. One second her boy is with Charles Baird, and the next he's running after the performer. And when he'd returned, Benedict seemed to be in a daze. His Mother was now determined to find out why.

"Benny fell in love with Lady Campbell."

Both Violet and Benedict glanced at Loren, who was the one who had spilled the secret information. Violet was surprised whereas Benedict was sitting there wondering how the hell she'd known.

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