Ryūkotsusei's revenge and Sesshomaru's true form

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"I told you- I'm not going to eat it!" Argued Jaken, the small goblin demon that always accompanied Sesshomaru.

Currently, Hikari and Jaken were arguing by the early morning campfire. The blonde woman held a bag with dried pieces of meat inside. She had pulled one of those jerky sticks and was waving it close to Jaken's face while the little imp just shoved and slapped at her hands to get it away from his face. "No no no!"

"Just try it, master Jaken! They are delicious!" Rin added in to the argument. She herself was eating two at the same time, while she munched on the one on her right hand, she held a second in her left hand, enjoying the two treats. "Yummy!" The little girl exclaimed happily.

"I won't stop until you try it, I WILL force you!" Hikari said, shoving the piece of Jerky into Jaken's face.

"Argh! Fine! Pestering human!" Jaken insulted, snatching the piece of jerky from her hands. He hurriedly turned away from the two other members of the group and looked down at the dry piece of meat. He brought it up to his nose and sniffed it. He then licked the tip of it and tasted it. He narrowed his eyes and slowly turned his head to look behind his small shoulders, both Rin and Hikari were staring back at him eagerly to eat the jerky. "Hmph!" He quickly turned back and looked down at the piece. "Oh..." he mumbled and took a piece of it, slowly munching down on it. He was dead set on that he was definitely not going to like it but in the end...


And the piece of jerky was gone. He had devoured it after the first bite. He quickly turned to Hikari. The once slit like pupils of Jaken had turned into full circles with sparkling light within them. "Please, May I have some more?" He asked, joining both of his little hands together as he approached Hikari.

She loved the sudden change in his attitude and smiled, handing him over the bag of jerky that he now craved so much. He began to pick out from the bag and eat in delight.

"Hey! Save some for me Master Jaken!" Rin stood up from the ground, dusting her hands and walking up to Jaken, reaching out to take some for herself as well.

"No! This is mine!" Jaken argued,

"No! You have to share, Master Jaken!" Said Rin,

"Alright! Enough both of you!" Hikari intervened and snatched the bag from the two. She reached in and gave a handful to Rin, then another handful to Jaken. Now only two pieces were left, one for herself and one for Sesshomaru. Which reminded her...

She turned to look behind her, glancing around.

Sesshomaru still hadn't returned...

When they had woken up, Sesshomaru wasn't with them. They figured he had gotten up and roamed ahead first to scout the land before he would return and they would resume their journey.

It had been around 3 months already since she had arrived to feudal Japan and around a month and some weeks since she had began traveling with Sesshomaru, Jaken and Rin. Needless to say, she loved every waking moment...sure they had gotten into trouble once or twice...or more than that, but nothing could best the adventures she was having in this world.

Thinking about it all made a smile curl up on her face. She gripped the bag and began to walk, away from the campsite while Jaken and Rin happily ate their meal. "I'll be back in a bit..." Hikari called out, walking into the dense foliage among the forest, following the very narrow path. She could see some recent footsteps on the dirt, Sesshomaru's.

It was a decent walk, but soon she could hear the sounds of water rushing, along with a gentle breeze but it was too loud to be a river...

As she got more closer to the sound, she came into a smaller clearing, a small mountain up ahead and a waterfall connecting to a small river down below. She smiled, looking around and breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the feeling of the tiny particles of water that landed on her face. After taking in the ambient, she walked up to the base of the small pool in which the waterfall connected to. She settled the bag down and knelt on the sand, dipping her hands into the water and bringing it up to her lips. She drank calmly before repeating the same movements and splashing some of the water into her face to freshen up a bit more.

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