chapter 2

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I started to the notecard. This was it. This was the moment where I had to make the decision to call my father.

I picked up my phone and dialed the number. My heart was beating a million miles a minute.

The phone kept on ringing.

No answer.

This can't be happening. I started to panic a little. And a million thoughts ran through my head. What would happen to me if I couldn't get a hold of my father? So, did the only thing I could do.

I dialed again.

It rung for a little but and soon I decided it was no use. Before I was about to hang up, someone picked up.

A deep, brooding voice rang through the phone.

"This is Ashford"

My voice got caught in my throat. It was as if all the air dissipated from my lungs and I couldn't speak.

"Hello?" The voice rang out again impatiently

"Y-yes, hi, is this Mr. Ronan" my voice asked him, shaky and wobbly.

"This is him. Whose calling?" He asked.

"A-an old friend." I told him. I was afraid if I told him "hey, I'm your daughter" he might just think it was a prank and hangup.

"Huh" he muttered. "And old friend? And who might this old friend be?" He asked me, not believing me.

"A-n old friend." I said because I didn't know what else to say.

"Listen, I don't have time for this." He said, his voice disappearing as if he was about to cut it off.

"WAIT!" I told him before he shut me off.

"Ca-can we meet somewhere?" I asked him, hopeful that he might change his mind.

"You want me to meet a stranger?" Didn't your parents ever teach you not to call random strangers and talk to them?" He asked me questingly.

"I-I'm not a kid. I'm an adult." I replied back to him, hoping he'd buy it.

He scoffed. "Sure, kid. The wavering in your voice says otherwise."

"Listen, please. You only have to meet me once and that's it. Please" I begged over the phone hoping he'd change his mind.

The line was silent for a few minutes. "Fine kid" he said as he gave in.

I internally cheered. This was it.

"Where do you want to meet?" I asked him.

"Meet me this evening at 1179 South Bend Dr. in Chicago" he said, with a bit of regret.

Chicago was an hour away from me.

"Ok I will. See you" I told him.

He didn't respond, but hung up.

A/N hii! Hope you guys like! Make sure to vote and comment ! : )

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