chapter 23

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I kept trying to get away from the goon holding me. He had a vice grip on me that wasn't loosening no matter how much I fought him.

It was as if he completely ignored Grey.

"Did you not hear me the first time? I told you to let her go." Grey said, even more upset as he walked closer to us.

Finally, after enough pulling and fighting him, I was finally able to get away from his hold, but not without falling on the floor roughly.

My ribs throbbed heavily, and my ankle was definitely twisted.

After seeing me on the floor, Grey's entire facial expression changed.

Without missing a beat, Grey lunged for him, delivering a swift punch to him. The goon continued to attempt to fight him, but to no avail Greg was incredibly stronger.

"Don't. Touch. Her" he said in between punches.

He didn't completely knock the man out. But the man looked like he needed some help after Grey was done with him.

"That's for hurting my niece. Twice." He said lethally. Grey looked completely unharmed as he straightened up his shirt and pretended like nothing happened.

Finally, Grey called for another man, who came and took him away.

I groaned as I got up slowly, my head a bit dizzy. Grey immediately made his way over to me. "Are you okay, Char?" He asked as he knelt down in front of my and tried to asses me for injuries.

I groaned. "Yeah I'm fine" I told him.

"You took a pretty hard fall, are you sure nothing else hurts?" He asked me concerned.

I nodded. "Yeah I should be fine"

As soon as I took a step towards him, my ankle gave out. Pain coursed through my entire leg as I almost fell on Grey.

Thankfully, he reacted quickly and caught me before I could take the second tumble of the night.

"Okay I lied, I think I messed my ankle up" I told him as I twisted my face in pain.

He picked me up bridal style as if I weighed nothing. "I'm taking you to my my office to check you out. Your dad was supposed to be back but he got called into a meeting so he sent me to get you" he explained to me.

I laid my head on his shoulder breathing heavily from the pain.

We made it to his office and he set me down on his couch. It was a pretty big office with modern finishes.

He bent down and took off my shoe and sock. He gently picked up my ankle and began to examine it clinically, by pressing it in all different places.

As he did so, the pain began to worsen. "You definitely rolled it. There's no doubt some ligaments are torn" he said, upset.

He pulled out his first aid kit and wrapped it skillfully. He then turned me so that I was laying on the couch with a pillow propped up under my foot. He then grabbed an ice pack out from his freezer and placed it on my ankle.

"You'll need to ice and compress this for a few days. Keep it elevated as much as you can." He told me as he fixed the ice on my ankle.

"Thank you, Grey" I told him softly. I meant it. If he wasn't there, I'd probably be worse.

He gave me a curt nod, still barely showing emotions.

"Are you sure you didn't hit anywhere else?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "I landed hard on my side but my ankle took the worst of it."

"Head is good? Ribs?"

I nodded. "Yess grey Im fine I promise" I told him, himself still seeming unconvinced.

"Okay, you can just chill here for a second, I'm going to go find your dad and tell him before he comes here. He might loose his shit" he told me.

"Sounds good." I told him with a small smile.

"Grey" I called out to him before he left.

He turned around. "Hm?"

"Thank you so much"

"Of course"

A/N I hope you're loving it so far! Thank you for all your support! Don't hesitate to vote or leave a comment! :) I love hearing from you guys! <3

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