5: Buddha Mil Gaya

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In the dimly lit study, Advita and Advit exchanged a knowing glance as a faint knock echoed through the room, prompting Advit to gesture for their father to enter.

Shekhar, their father, a seasoned figure with a warm smile, settled into the couch as the twins rose respectfully. Advita's frown betrayed her curiosity as she questioned his need to knock.

With a chuckle, their father brushed off the question and turned to the matter at hand, concern etched on his features. "Why burning the midnight oil, my darlings? Tomorrow's journey awaits, and you should be resting."

"Papa, it's the end of November already. If we leave tomorrow, we'll be out of the loop for nearly three weeks. We're just tying up loose ends," Advit explained, his tone tinged with determination.

Their father sighed deeply, pride mingled with a hint of guilt. "I understand the dedication you've both shown to the company. Adi's leadership as CEO and Avi's financial acumen as CFO have propelled us forward. But..."

Advita's sharp interruption cut through the air, her concern evident. "But what, Papa? Have we done something wrong?"

He shook his head, reassuring them. "No, my loves, you've done everything right. It's just... as your father, I should be immersed in wedding preparations, yet here I am, burdening you with office matters."

"Don't say that," Advita interjected firmly, her voice leaving no room for argument. Advit nodded in solidarity.

"Papa, it's all under control. Besides, you agreed that we're capable of handling these responsibilities," Advita reminded him, her words laced with encouragement.

"And if we encounter any hurdles, you'll be the first person we turn to," Advit added, offering further reassurance.

Their conversation meandered into lighter topics, laughter eventually filling the room before they bid each other goodnight, the weight of responsibility momentarily lifted.


The screeching of brakes signaled the arrival of the Aroras, momentarily halting the bustling Rathores.

All was prepared: the mini-bus equipped with every comfort, the crimson sky marking the setting sun, and the members of both families - Advita, Advit, Kanikka, Shrushti, and Anika from the Rathores, and Rudransh, Rutvik, Roohi, and Kabir from the Aroras.

Amar, there to bid farewell to the young ones, approached the gathering. "Where's your chalta phirta toofan?" He chuckled, addressing Shekhar.

(Walking whirlwind?)


From the driver's seat, a head emerged, sporting a white bucket hat, sparking curiosity among the onlookers. And right on cue, Advita turned, flashing a wide smile.

"Jai shri krishna, uncle!" Advita greeted excitedly, her grin stretching from ear to ear.

(Hail lord krishna)

'Huh. She never smiled like that to me. Mainu toh hii vi ni kitta. Viah mere naal karna hai, papa ji naal nahi!' Rudransh muttered, sulking.

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