7. Ehsaas-a-Sukoon

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(The feeling of being at peace)

They both sat in utter silence, with an angeethi burning between them to save them from the freezing cool breeze.


"Can i ask you something, umm...i was just seeing your bio data and attached documents. Your college degree, it shows 'Aditi Rathore'. Why? And today. Why were Kabir and Advit so tensed about you going out?"

'Adi, you are marrying him. You need to tell him about you. He has all the rights to know.' Advit's words echoed in her ears. She took deep breath before clearing her throat to get his attention.

"When i said yes for this marriage, i meant i will give it a try whole heartedly. Every relation deserves transparency. Moreover, i want to tell you this." He nodded giving a small smile, assuring her.

"When i was in fifth class, me and Advit were sent to Mumbai for a reason. Devendra Singh Bhati. He was once my dad's right hand. When dad started the constructions of schools and hospitals, so that people won't have to travel miles for such basic facilities, he advised dad not to do so.

According to him, people shouldn't be empowered. Empowered and educated people are hard to rule. He was sick for power. And when dad announced me as the next server for people, he couldn't take it. He tried to harm me and Advit.

Though he was sent to jail, dad wasn't convinced. For our safety, he sent me & Advit to Mumbai. And Kabir was sent to Delhi, because being close to our family got Chauhans under threat too. It was when we completed school, mom dad shifted Mumbai with us. For being a little extra careful, i was given the name 'Aditi'.

3 years ago, when i was officially crowned, i got to know about all this Bhati fiasco. Well i didn't take much headache like others. Also, dad didn't involve in politics. But i did. I mean, i am no politician and nor am i interested to be a one. But if i can make the politicians my puppets because of my influence on common people which can affect their vote bank, why not make them do the work they are needed to.

So this Bhati is now enraged because he stood up in previous elections. His win was final. But just a week before elections i was in town for some paper work, and i gave my support to the other candidate, and hence Devendra lost the seat."

"You are indeed a business woman! The backing from government will reduce your spendings without affecting your cause!" He pointed the obvious, to which she just shrugged.

"Ok so long story cut short, everyone else is just afraid about Bhati doing something."

"And shouldn't they be?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well....can i tell you a secret?"

"Am all ears."

"In the past three years, i had encountered Bhati as well as his goons, atleast 20 times. I am no idiot. Jaha uska bakwas dimag sochna band karta hai, waha se mera sochna chalu karta hai. And about his goons? Bhade ke tattu sale."

(I start thinking from where his mind stops; good for nothing rented idiots)

"Woah! Woah... Calm down Raani sa."

After a long sigh he asked, "So that's it?"

"Well, that's all about me which was important for you to know."

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