Chapter 11- Cold Hands Cold Heart

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The years passed, and the Warden watched approvingly as Korra fought on the training grounds. She had grown into a strong warrior under his tutelage, and he watched the results with relish. The exercise was a simple one; her, against three of his lower students. He figured that she was ready for the next step.

Korra grunted, oblivious to the Warden's gaze, sending another fireblast straight at her three opponents who perched safely on a wooden watch tower. The three Fire Benders sneered at Korra's weak shot, wondering how a little girl was going to best them with so little strength in her blows.

They weren't smiling however, when they realized that Korra had missed them on purpose, aiming instead for one of the supports on the makeshift wooden tower. Within an instant, the three soldiers found themselves tumbling out of the structure, landing with a loud thud on the snow bank.

Korra stood amidst the wreckage, admiring her work with a triumphant smirk.

"Excellent work Korra." The Warden smiled, placing an affectionate hand on her shoulder as he walked up beside her. "There will be extra rations for you and your family tonight." He promised benevolently.

Korra's eyes beamed proudly at the mention of that reward. It would go a long way to helping them through the harsh winter months.

"Remember, to always keep note of your surroundings." The Warden said instructively. "After all, A warrior's eyes are just as important as their sword."

"Thank you, I'll remember that." Korra nodded, taking the lesson to heart.

It was rare for the warden to offer advice, even rarer for him to offer praise, and she couldn't help but smile at his words of encouragement.


Present Day

"So..." Tarrlok asked, "Any ideas?"

The rest of the group remained silent. After the storm had passed, the four of them had decided to break out of the cave, climbing the rocky cliffs to overlook the roads leading to the Prison Armory. It was a simple, square compound, ringed with high walls with a parade square in the middle. Zuko and Noatak had anticipated that there would be some security guarding the Tundra Tanks, but what they saw as they overlooked the compound was much worse than they had thought. Dozens of Tundra tanks were lined up in a neat military square formation, seemingly ready to move out. Beside the tanks were Fire Nation Heavy Regulars with the skull masks and crimson armor running about. Although Zuko and Noatak were probably two of the best elite fighters in their respective bending trades, even Tarrlok doubted that they could take on an entire column of tanks by themselves that easily.

"Well," Noatak said at last, "Storming them from the front is out of the question. Something must have gotten the troops riled up to have so many in one place at the same time." The Wolf Tail shot Zuko an almost accusing stare, as if he were somehow to blame for this.

As if confirming Noatak's accusations, Zuko gave a begrudging nod. "My contacts may have had their hand forced. I can't say for sure, it's been weeks since I've last spoke to them by messenger hawk."

"So now what?" Korra asked rather impatiently, she had no intention of spending all their time laying low on the cliff's edge. "We wait here until enough tanks trickle out? Is that it?"

Zuko nodded. "You have the right idea, we have to see if we can isolate a few of them. Ideally just one."

"That's going to be tough." Noatak answered back. "They're all moving in packs." His scout's eyes were quick to see through the movements of the Fire Nation formation below. "There won't be a lot of openings." He said grudgingly.

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