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Ch. 4: Risky Business

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"I suggest you take your hand off her arm," Max says, his voice calm but his eyes intense as I turn to look at him. "Right now."

Dylan glares back at him, his confidence cranking up quickly to pure arrogance. "I'm just walking her to her table. No big deal."

"Is that right?" Max is asking me the question, but he's still looking directly at Dylan, who shifts slightly but holds his ground. And he still has a grip on my arm.

"No, it's not," I say to Max, relieved that he's here, then turn to stare at Dylan. "I want him to leave me alone."

Max narrows his eyes. "I don't believe you heard me the first time," he says, and takes a step toward Dylan.

Dylan drops his hand but doesn't lose the attitude.

"You touch me, and I'll fucking sue you," Dylan says. "I'm a lawyer."

Max gives a low laugh. "Will you really."

Dylan seems to get the picture, finally, that he's messing with someone he shouldn't be messing with. He takes a step back.

I didn't even notice until now that another man has appeared silently out of the crowd. He's standing slightly to the left of Dylan. It's a guy who looks like he spends some serious time in the gym. He's wearing a black button-down shirt and black pants. He's got some kind of ear bud in, and dark glasses. I'm guessing bouncer.

He puts a hand on Dylan's shoulder. Dylan looks for a moment like he's going to twist free, then takes a good look at the guy and apparently thinks better of it.

"Are you here with friends?" Max asks, his voice still that deadly calm that somehow seems more threatening than visible anger.

"I'm – yes," Dylan says. He glances over toward the bar on the other side of the floor, suddenly stripped of all his bravado.

"I suggest you rejoin them. Gabe will make sure you get there." Max narrows his eyes. "In my club, when a woman says she doesn't want your company, you walk away." He pauses. "I hope it won't be necessary for Gabe to remind you of that rule."

Dylan doesn't say anything, but his eyes show sudden recognition of exactly who he's talking to.

"No problem," he says quickly and turns away, Gabe following closely behind him.

Before I can say anything to Max, Martina is there. She's still with the last guy I saw her with.

"Hey! Hadley meet Tony. I invited him to come have a drink with us." Then she notices Max and seems to clue in that something is going on.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes. The guy I was dancing with didn't understand what 'No, thanks' means." I look back at Max. "Max explained it to him."

"Don't worry," Max says, "Gabe handles security for me. He'll make sure no one gives you any trouble. Either of you," he says, flicking a glance at Martina.

"Hey," Tony says, lifting his hands palms up, "I'm not looking for any trouble."

"Good to know," Max says, giving him a measuring look.

Martina slips her arm around Tony's elbow. "He's cool."

But Max isn't paying any attention to her now. He's looking at me, and it's almost too intense.

Martina looks back and forth between the two of us. "Um, we're heading back to the table. See you in a minute?" she asks, and I nod.

"How did you know that guy was bothering me?" I ask Max once Martina's out of earshot. "I thought you were in a meeting."

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