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Ch. 18: The Way You Make Me Feel

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The next morning, Max and I sit in the little dining area by the windows, having the breakfast room service just delivered.

The fact that Max is sitting on the same chair he spanked me on last night isn't lost on me, and I feel myself flush a little when he glances up from his screen and immediately picks up on what I'm thinking.

He actually grins. "How's your bottom this morning?"

"My bottom is fine, no thanks to you."

The truth is, I am a little sore, but not in that area. Being sore has more to do with having sex multiple times last night, and then starting my morning with Max taking me one more time in the shower, with my back against the smooth tile and my legs around his waist.

"Actually you should thank me," Max says. "I could have spanked you a lot harder."

"I know it started out with you angry," I confess, "but it ended up being the hottest thing I've ever done with a man."

"Hmm." Max looks smug. "I'll have to see what else I can do to expand your horizons."

"The shower sex was pretty good, too," I tell him, and he laughs.

"You're not going to tell me that was the first time you ever had sex in the shower."

"No," I say and find myself grinning back at him. "But it's the first time it was done really well. The last time I tried it I got hit with full power spray jets right in my eyes, then I slipped on some body wash and landed on my butt on the tiles."

"I would never let you fall," Max says. "Or forget to keep the spray out of your face."

"I know," I say quietly, and it suddenly feels like we're talking about something different altogether. Something I'm not ready to think about yet, like what exactly is happening between Max and me, and what he's really involved in, and where it might be heading.

"Why did you come up the suite last night when I told you not to?" he asks me between bites.

"Oh, now I get a chance to explain?" I try for lighthearted, even though my head is swimming.

Max gives a little laugh. "You were going over my knee regardless of any explanations or excuses. But I'm curious."

"I set my phone down on the vanity in the closet while I was getting ready to go to the casino yesterday," I explain. "Then Gabe said you wanted to meet us downstairs, and when I hurried to finish getting ready and switch out my purse, I forgot my phone."

"Getting your phone was important enough for you to risk coming back up here?"

I take another bite of waffle, then smile at him sheepishly. "I had no idea you'd be back up here that quickly. I thought you'd be in that high stakes poker room for at least another hour."

"And the reason you needed your phone so desperately?"

"I wanted to take a selfie and text it to you while you were playing poker."

Max raises an eyebrow and I hasten to add, "No, not that kind of photo. Wait, let me show you."

I get up and go back into the bedroom and grab my little sequined clutch, and bring it back, dumping out the five $5,000 chips on the table in front of him.

"What's this?" Max asks.

"It's $25,000," I tell him.

"I can see that. Where did it come from?"

"Remember the $5,000 in chips you gave me when Gabe and I met you downstairs? I played a little blackjack."

"No shit," Max says.

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