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Nasa had been out running errands all morning, hoping to get back home quickly to his one true love - Tsukasa. They had been together for five blissful years, and Nasa couldn't imagine his life without her. He had always been faithful to Tsukasa, and he had expected the same from her.

As he walked into their apartment, Nasa noticed that something was off. The lights were dimmed, and the house was eerily quiet. "Tsukasa, where are you?" He called out, but there was no response. Nasa felt a pit form in his stomach as he walked towards their bedroom. The closer he got, the louder the sound of moaning became. He hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open.

What he saw broke his heart into tiny pieces. Tsukasa was in bed with Nasa's Best Friend Tyler, Tsukasa was making love with him feverishly. Nasa felt a wave of shock and betrayal hit him. He couldn't believe that his soul mate would cheat on him with his Best Friend like this. He felt like his whole world had come crashing down.

Tears welled up in Nasa's eyes, but he stood there in disbelief, unable to move. The man, who had been on top of Tsukasa, noticed Nasa standing at the door. Tyler pulled out of Tsukasa abruptly, the shock on Tsukasa's face evident. "Nasa, I can explain," she stammered, trying to sit up.

But Nasa was already walking away from the scene, his heart feeling like it had been ripped out. He didn't trust himself to say anything, so he just kept walking, away from Tsukasa and away from everything they had built together.

The days that followed were a blur. NASA struggled to come to terms with the fact that Tsukasa had been cheating on him for months, possibly even years. He didn't know how to cope with the pain and the betrayal that he felt. Nasa had always been an emotional person, and this had taken a heavy toll on him.

He thought about confronting Tsukasa, but he didn't think he could handle seeing her again. Instead, he packed up his things and moved out, cutting off all contact with his ex-wife and ex-friend. Nasa tried his best to move on, but the memories of what had happened kept haunting him, he decided to enlist in the Japanese Self Defense Force to find a new purpose in life.

Nasa threw himself into his work, focusing on becoming the best soldier he could be. The military lifestyle gave him structure and discipline, something he desperately needed after the chaos of his broken marriage. He also found solace in the camaraderie of his fellow soldiers, forming deep bonds with his unit.

As the years went by, Nasa excelled in the JGSDF. He earned a reputation as a hardworking and skilled soldier, and it wasn't long before he caught the eye of his superiors. They saw something special in NASA and decided to give him a unique opportunity - a chance to become a Ranger and member of the Elite Special Operations Group.

in 2025, a mysterious Gate open in Ginza, Tokyo and Men from the Roman Era start attacking and enslaving Japanese civilians, Just when the Mysterious army is gaining momentum and Ginza is about to be lost, the JGSDF and US Military arrived and saved the day, pushing back the invaders back to the gate and the JGSDF's Engineer units create a protective dome around the Gate and and 3 months later units from the JSDF and US Military enter the gate, who knows what challenges and Problems Nasa, his men and the JSDF face? Lets find out!

(Lemme know what you think, feel free to give criticism and ideas)

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