Battle of Alnus Hill

194 10 4

Saderan Empire

Capital city of Sadera

10:00 hours Falmart Local time

Senate Building

"It was an embarrassment, Your Majesty. We lost 60% of the Empire's military might. What would you have us do? How would you guide the state?" Marquis Casel said

"Marquess Casel, think about how the people must feel. Its true that our latest losses have cost us our military advantage. They worry that vassals of our state and others may revolt and attack the Imperial Capital itself. How pathetic." Emperor Molt said

"Huh?" Marquis Casel questioned

"Every time our empire is in danger, the Emperor, the Senate, and the people become one to confront the dangers, and bring about even more progress. No war is won without some loss. Therefore i will not hold anyone responsible for our recent losses. To think that other nations dare surround the imperial capital... I trust that none of you will waste time in court." Emperor Molt said

"To pass over all responsibility..." Marquis Casel said

"But what shall we do? The Army we sent we're just defeated in 2 days. And now the Gate has been captured, and the Enemies are attempting to set up a base on this side. Of course we attempted to take back the hill as well. But the enemies in the distance..." One of the senators said

"I have never seen such sorcery. " Senator Brookshield said

"We ought to fight them! If we do not have enough men, we need only to recruit them from our tributaries. Attack the other side of the gates once more!" General Amulius said

"What good brute force alone do?" Senator Buendireschue said

"It'll be another Godasen!" Senator Askordy said

"Yeah!" Senator Brud said

"Fight them!" Senator Arsel said

(A/N: Making random names for the Generals and senators because why the heck not?)

Molt raises his hand and the people inside the senate building stared at the emperor

"I do not wish to sit idly by. Therefore, we must fight! Send delegates to our tributaries and neighbouring states. Ask for help in defending the continent from these men from other world. We will lead the allied army of Godu Rino Gwaban in an attack on Alnus hill." Emperor Molt said

The people in the senate building clap and shout 'For the Emperor!' And 'For the Empire!'

"Your Majesty, it will be a bloodbath" Marquis Casel said bowing as Emperor Molt smirks

A few miles from Alnus

Unknown location

"Your majesty! We have spotted what appears to be enemy scouts two hills ahead." A mounted soldier reported

"Leave them be. We must hurry to meet the kings." King Duran said as he rode hiss horse back to his army

Timeskip brought to you by Captain Matapat slapping Zorzal with a tsinelas

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