Chapter 6

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       Blackened... long and spindly digits... two bright red eyes. He looked down at the disemboweled doctor, his intestines wrapped around his stomach, and binding him to his chair. Rita, still crying, looks back up at her son with disbelief. Two red eyes stared back. The long onyx-colored fingers waved and twisted as if they each possessed a mind of their own. They wrapped around a clump of Rita's hair and tugged with a great inhuman might, that tore her hair from her head, as well as the flesh from her scalp - which peeled off cleanly and only left a few trickles of blood trailing down her head. She did not wince from the pain, as she was numb. Then the fingers met their way to his mother's mouth and slithered down her throat like a coiling vine... only to slowly retrieve a beating red heart. His thoughts were no longer his own, and his red eyes introduced a new view of the world. He saw the true composition of the world - from the holy to the damned. Was he the Pariah? Or was there someone he was waiting for? He crouched down next to his mother's body, embracing it in his arms, to hold it in place while he devoured it. He moved around the room like a shadow - he had completely transformed into something deformed. Taller, bony in the hands but meaty in the chest... lengthy legs and arms. He darted from corner to corner, his neck craning around to look for an exit, before returning to primeval instinct, and digging through the wall and into the outside. From afar, he spotted smoke rising from a few miles away. His vision was incredible, and his speed was even scarier.


       Lana and Lola looked at the fire, and then at each other with awkward expressions. Thank God their mother was not here to see this. The other siblings turned from the fire to look at them both. Lola began to cry, and Lana felt sick to her stomach. "I just wanted us to be happy again..." Lola whimpered. None of them looked at the two with rage.... just shock. The building would lose more and more structure, with some parts of the wall crumbling downward and walls ready to fall in. The smoke rose and rose as if sending a message to the heavens above. Or rather - an angel.

       A loud crash was heard, and they all assumed it was part of the house shattering again. Then, they heard rustling leaves, then shuffling in the grass, and directing their eyes to the source of the sound, they all looked on like a flock of clueless birds. A ravenous claw raised, then brought down upon Lynn Jr., cutting her head from her neck. It fell to the ground like a basketball, and nobody comprehended the sight quickly enough. The claw waved again, this time plucking Luna from the ground, taking her with two hands, and stretching her body until it would tear into two, with her organs spilling out onto the ground, and some still hanging onto her spine. Then, Lori took out her phone, shakily, and with all the fear in her body, she froze. However, her hands still found their position to take a picture of the beast. So, she raised the camera to the creature's face, and the frame fit perfectly. His face took up her entire screen.

       She took a picture, then when she lowered the phone, she found that his face was now an inch away from hers. His jaws opened up, showing the razor-sharp ivory teeth in all its hundreds of rows. She saw each tooth close down, and then she could not see anymore. Her body fell limp on the ground, trickling blood from the base of her throat with every dying heartbeat. A hideous gurgling nauseated everyone, and Luan even vomited to her side. Lana grabbed Lola's hand and they ran as fast as they could and hid around a corner. They could hear others screaming and being ripped apart. Luan caught up to the two, and Lisa sprinted as fast as she could, but the creature leaped behind her, took her by the head, and tore it open like a watermelon, with brains hitting the ground with a noise that's comparable to someone spilling a stew on the ground.

       Luan's pupils were the size of pins. She was feeling something she'd never had before. Her heartbeat raced, she felt nauseous, she could barely breathe; she was having a panic attack. She knelt and then laid down. Lana and Lola whispered to her "We have to go, Luan!" She could not get up, she was horrified. The twins sat down next to Luan. "Luan? Please... we have to..." Then there he stood, its shadow cast over the entire corner block. Casted over the twins, and laid over Luan. The creature muttered noises, but its words were not understandable. He hissed, and his red eyes stared down. He grabbed Lana, and brought her up slowly, lifting her above his head. He opened his mouth, and looking down into his throat, Lana saw the flames of Hell rising from brimstone. It was a portal to Hell. It was Hell incarnate.

       Lana kicked and screamed. She tried to press his jaws away, but they were much too strong for her. He clamped down his mouth on her waist and dragged his mouth away from her top half. Her arms dangled and her eyes started to fade. He dragged out a line of intestines, and half a liver and kidney dangled from her gored opening. The creature gobbled the other half he held and stared down and Lola and Luan. "Lola... just... go." Lola felt sadness triumph over her feelings of terror, and she started to cry. "No! Luan, no! We have to go! Come on, let's-"

       "No, Lola... Please. Just go."

       "I love you."

       Lola sobbed, then ran. She ran as fast as possible because she didn't want to be close enough to hear Luan suffocate in her own blood. The creature pushed back Luan's eyes and twisted them out as she cried rivers of blood. She screamed out in terrible agony. "AHHHHHHH!" She screamed as much as she could, but it was all involuntary. Screaming was her instinctual way to express her pain, and her pain shot from the back of her eyes down her entire body. Her screams died down because she was becoming exhausted, and her screams slowed down into whines - but Lola heard none of this. She was already a mile away.

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