Chapter 9

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       She talked of all of them. All her sisters, one by one, in no particular order. While talking, she entered a sort of trance, where if you were to say something to her, she may miss it the first time you speak. She was captivated by her thoughts, and she stared ahead at nothing in particular. When she finished listing them all and what she loved most about them, the cloaked skeleton shivered. (This seemed to not be a reaction, but just an odd characteristic of the creature. Now and again he would shiver and shake for a second - short enough to be called a twitch, and long enough to be a spasm.

       It spoke: "They all sound very wonderful. What I would give for a family..." he lamented.  "Wouldn't trade it for the world" Lola said with an affected happy tone. It looked to her and reached his hand over to her. "May I rest my hand on your shoulder?" She was still distracted by thoughts of her relatives but gave a desultory nod. He laid his cold bones palm down on her shoulder, and he immediately pulled it back with a jerk. "Ouch! I didn't anticipate it to work that way as well. Sorry, would you mind wiping away that ash on your head? It seems to disagree with me." She shook herself back to a lucid state and brushed off the black ashes, which floated away in an unfelt gust of wind.

       He laid down his hand on her once more, this time with no violent and sudden withdrawals.  "Aw, yes. Now I can help you, and now you can help me. Think again of your family. Think as clearly as you can of their faces, their bodies, and truly what made them so special." She closed her eyes, did so, nearing the same trance as earlier, then opened her eyes back up and revealed to herself the most heavenly sight. Open arms. Lori's voice said behind her ear, "We missed you, Lola." Lola hugged back, her eyes like that of a puppy dog when its owner came back home. She giggled, unable to contain her pure youthful joy. "I missed you guys, too." Everyone was there and gathered in a crowd.

       Lori backed up and joined the others to form one big family picture. All of them were smiling true smiles. It was everything she'd lost and missed deeply now returned to her. They all waved and began to shout out to her, "Lola, don't forget us! We'll always love you!" Lola was confused and still high from the elation, "What do you mean 'don't forget'? You guys are all here! We can be together now!" They replied with smiles, but sadder eyes. "We're only visiting, it's time for us to go." Lola cried out, "What? No! You guys can't go!" They didn't go anywhere by walking, but rather they started to depart in a much more "liquid" fashion. That is to say, they began to melt into colorfully illustrated puddles. Their faces melted into deformed droopy faces. Lola reached down and tried to frantically grab up the remains of her conscious family, but it all ran through her fingers and dripped onto the ground. She began to weep. She'd now witnessed her family die twice.

       "They weren't real, you know." Lola looked at the cloaked figure. "I know my family when I see them. I heard them. They talked to me." He looked away from her and, pensively, up at the white and nonexistent sky. "Child... I think it's time you made this part of the new world. You can build anything you want. You can create anyone you want." Lola asked with a spur of interest, "Anything?" The skull nodded. "Describe your perfect world to me." Lola thought for a moment, long and hard, carefully selecting each word and aspect that she would articulate and form together. What was her perfect world? When she had everything in mind, she took a deep breath.


       "I want a world where my family and I can sit at the kitchen table. I want my mom to be happy and my dad to be proud. I want my siblings there, too. I want them to spill a drink and frown, but then throw food at each other and laugh. I want Lincoln back. I want Leni back. I want Luan back. I want them all to be there. I want to forget that they died." The figure chimed in, "I'm sorry, but you can't change your mental state. Memories included." Lola continued. "Then I want them to forget it. I don't want them to remember any of the bad things that have happened in the last few years, and that's all I want. Oh! One last thing. I want someone to tuck me into bed every night. I don't care who, just anybody in my family. That's all."

       The skull jerked a few times and responded, "Your wish is my command. Unfortunately, you won't be expecting me after your world comes. I won't be around after it all appears. I feel now that you've taken a liking to this area, and I feel I must relocate." She spoke apologetically. "Oh no! I'm sorry I stole it!" The skull clacked its jaw. "Don't fret, child. I'm glad to give it to you as a gift. Tell your family when you see them... a stranger said hi." She smiled. "I will." He faded into what seemed like a raging winter snowstorm in Antarctica. Lola had to cover her eyes as the white now perceived brighter... and brighter... and brighter. Until she could see nothing at all.


       "Lori!" somebody shouted. "Give it back!" The other voice yelled back with contempt. "If you're going to play soccer, try not hitting people with the ball!" The two kept arguing, which woke Lola from her sleep. She looked outside her window and could see two people angrily shaking fists. It was Lynn Jr. and Lori. (Lori, who was holding her hand over the spot on her head where a soccer ball likely struck). That's when she realized. She was at home! She was in the Loud house! Throughout the day she sparked a conversation with every sibling, appreciating each one, as well as her parents.

       They ate dinner together, they played in the yard together, and everything they used to do but in a bigger and brighter wrapped gift box it seemed. It was a perfect day, one that encapsulated the quintessential happy family. Even that night, someone visited her room. Her door creaked open, letting in the light from the hallway. "Lola? You mind?" Lincoln asked. She invited him in, and he looked at her lovingly, only to ask one simple question. "You want me to tuck you in?" She smiled so hard that her cheeks hurt. He pulled the blanket over her and waved before he left, closing the door behind him. She hugged herself under the covers with the greatest satisfaction and jubilation. It was everything she could've asked for.

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