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Zay-"oh my god were only 9 years apart its not that serious"

Jas-"im very surprised"

Cam-"you? The man can't stand being the youngest in the room"

Zay-"can we find a new topic"

Lani-"no she got a older sister I need a sugar mama"

Lewis-"u are not getting no damn sugar mama"

Lani-"but please they be so fine:

Zay-"shes here ill he back"

They ooed he rolled his eyes and went go the door trying not to smile he opened the door and went to her car getting the door for her

Y-"oh thank u baby boy"


He helped her out

Y-"I didn't expect u to come all the way out but sense u did gimmie some love"

He smiled putting his arms around her and kissed on her lips she kissed back


She put her arms around his neck

Y-"u so handsome"

Zay-"thank u mama"

He let her go

Y-"where u going"

Zay-"we gotta go inside if I'm out here too long they're gunna come out"


She let him go and bent over in the car reaching for her phone he bit his lip and slapped her ass


Zay-"u threw it up there"

Y-"mch wheres my phone"

She bent over further he stood behind her



He slapped it again

Y-"I got it"

She sat up and opened it

Y-"oh I took pictures daddy"

Zay-"what kinds pictures"

Y-"in the lingerie I just brought"

He slapped her ass hard


Zay-"what I tell u bout buying stuff:

Y-"they were too cute I had to ok let's go"

He closed the door and grabbed her hand pulling her in the house and to the living room they ooed yn smiled

Zay-"yall this yn that's Lani Jasmine Cam and the one that's sleeping is little Chloe

Y-"aw she so tute"

They all agreed he sat her down

Zay-"u want something to drink juice water"

She looked up at him in his eyes

Y-"ill take some juice"

He smiled a little making her smile


He walked off

Y-"thank u"


He went in the kitchen

Lani-"so what's your-"

Jas-"lani no:

Lani-"I need a sugar mama"

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