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A couple of inappropriate songs and dances later Lola's doorbell rung she got going to the door with her phone

Lola-"hey boo"

Mike-"hey shorty"

Zay-"He is really calling that girl shorty"

Y-"i guess so"

Lola-"welcome to my home or whatevers"

She walked in he followed

Mike-"mm it smell good in here"

Lola-"uh huh das me I smell good don't I"

They laughed he smelled her neck


Lola-"dont be laughing I smell sexy as fuck"

She sat down he sat next to her

Y-"aaawwww I left my Cinnaboooonnnn"

She whined and put her head on the table

Zay-"aww tink"

Y-*whines and cries I want my Cinnabon

Zay-"u want me make u some"

She looked at him

Y-"u can make me cinnamon bites"


Y-*gasp *gibberish

Zay-"uh huh sure'

They laughed

Y-"pees I want some pees pees pees"

She got up and sat on his leg and kissed on his cheek

Y-"ouu pees zay zay I be your girlfriend"

Zay-"u won't let me answer"

He said laughing

Y-"what your answer is"

She held his cheekss

Zay-"yes i-"

Y-*Arianna grande type whistle note

She kicked her feet up in his lap and and rubbed her nose in his cheek he put his hand on her leg she stopped

Y-"I get u whatever u want what u want u want some more deez I make u a whole pie I make u some da size of my face"

She put her arms around his neck and kissed on his cheek

Lola-"u really like dat man lap huh"

Y-"now I do he make me cinnamon bites and if he wanf I give him a lap dance'

Lola-"oh that's how it is"

Y-"I give u one laters"

She kissed his cheek more

Zay-"mama that's enough kisses"

Y-"your berry kithable"

They laughed

Zay-"u gotta get up so I can make them"

Y-"im aware I just have to do this"

Zay-"mkay u get 3 more"

Y-"wha- only 3!?"

He laughed

Zay-"u can kiss me later"

He stood up and put her in her chair and walked off she jumped up and ran after him

Zay-"didn't I put u in your chair"


She shuffled her feet closer to hum and kissed his cheek

Zay-"u dan kiss on me later"

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