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she felt fear. for the first time in a while, she was terrified.

she tried to get up. she couldn't. something was keeping her in that one spot, no matter how hard she tried to just jump up and run far, far away. her nails dug into the engawa flooring as she tried to get up.

just as she finally gained enough control over her body and stood up, she heard a calm, sweet voice behind her. tears brimmed in her eyes at the mere sound of it. 

"ah, finally, i've found you, ya little rascal," the voice was soft, and endearing, with a slight humorous undertone to it. kazemi stood there, absolutely rigid, refusing to turn around.

she felt a hand gently rest on her shoulder. kazemi sharply inhaled, trying to focus her attention on something else. she looked at the seas in front of her. the sandy beach. the sunny weather. the glistening wa-

"what's so special about the same view you see everyday, hmm? c'mon, let's go in. you can watch the shore any other day. after all, it ain't going nowhere," she chuckled, before clasping kazemi's hand and bringing her inside.

the sea breather's vision was glued to the floor. she refused to look up. she couldn't. 

she wouldn't.


the boy connected to kazemi's dream finally found her spiritual core, after lots of searching.

it was a raging ocean, dark and benevolent, yet incredibly serene. waves violently clashed against each other, creating noise that made him flinch away. he stood at the edge, where the waves were about knee-level, and non-threatening.

he let out a small sigh of relief, before looking for the heart.

he saw it, at the very centre of the spiritual core. it seemed to be an orb of water, delicate and tranquil.

he was about to walk over to it, with his needle-like weapon, when he looked at the clashing waves, 10x his height at minimum, their shadows looming and casting over him menacingly.

how would he even get there?

though, he had no hope left. he couldn't give up. he needed the eternal sleep. what that demon had promised him. he needed it. nothing could go wrong in dreams.

so, taking a deep breath, he dove into the appalling seas without a second thought, before getting absolutely crushed, and thrown around in the merciless current.

it was impossible to die in a spiritual core. so, he was stuck there, until he found some type of way to get out.


nezuko panicked, looking over at everyone's resting faces. she saw the flaming guy choking a little girl, but thought nothing of it. 

everyone had a rope linked to their wrists, connected to some random person.

nezuko then walked a few aisles back and saw kazemi, who was gripping the person tied to her so hard his wrist was purple and swollen.

nezuko didn't know what to do. then, she walked back over to tanjiro, to attempt to wake him up once more.


kazemi was running. as far as possible. she would run to the ends of the earth, if it meant she would never find her.

the woman screamed for her to come back. kazemi didn't listen.

she was an imposter. a fake. it was too good to be true.

finally, kazemi found herself heaving. since when was her stamina so low? her legs so short? hands so chubby? 

she then noticed that she wasn't wearing the demon slayer corps uniform. or her haori. she didn't even have her katana.

she was dressed in a simple light blue kimono, with a white, patternless obi.

after a second or two, she connected the dots. she'd aged down a few years while in this odd, hyperrealistic dream. 

kazemi had counted her fingers multiple times. everything was normal.

'is this really a dream? were all of... the demons... my imagination?' she shook those thoughts out her head. there was no way that the past 5 years of her life were just some daydream. and, the imposter back there was most definitely not her.

once she found the culprit to this, she was gonna rip them to shreds.

for now, though, she had to somehow wake up.

suddenly, while running through the beach, she almost tripped on something. she turned around, seeing a sword semi-buried in the sand. she pulled it out.

it was her sword. the same colour, hilt, sheathe, everything. now, she was just confused as hell. she took it with her anyway, as she continued to run.

then, she looked down at it.

'this is probably a blood demon art involving dreams. otherwise, how could it be so realistic? i don't think finding my sword just laying somewhere was a coincidence. if beheading demons kills them, would i have to do that to myself to expel this illusion? or behead the imposter?' she thought to herself as she ran, panting. her stamina was absolute shit. after all, she was in the body of her 9 year old self. 'but that's a big risk. i really don't know. and, i highly doubt that the imposter would be connected. after all, it wasn't very hostile.'

kazemi was conflicted. then, just to check something, she pinched herself as hard as possible.

it didn't hurt. at all.

'so, this is a dream. it seems like whatever demon did this is lacking of one fundamental to make this as realistic as possible. pain.' she thought inwardly, before unsheathing her sword and raising it towards her neck.

with one clean slash, she woke up, panting and sweating.





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