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"Come on Sasha, why do I have to hang out with you and you're friends!. One of them doesn't even like me"... Y/n whined as she followed her older sister through the park late at night.

"Because, mom said I can't leave you alone by yourself and I get 5 bucks if I watch you". She boasted as she waved the money in her face with a grin. "So shut up twerp, we're almost there."

Y/n and her sister- or half sister didn't always meet eye to eye. She'd constantly go out of her way to do things she wasn't supposed to. Sasha was reckless and wild. So mother made it her task to keep her in line.

"You're just here as my chaperone. You know the rules. No being friendly with them. No talking to them and no bonding. Because they're not your friends." Sasha stated as the younger girl rolled her eyes. Your mother was working a late shift again and Sasha though it was a good idea to call in a last minute sleepover.

Y/n didn't know why her and her friends were gathering in the park so late at night. But she didn't care because whatever was involving Sasha she couldn't care less. She was just here because of lack of supervision.

Y/n scoffs as they made it to the park. The area was vacant and quiet which made an eerie child go down her spine.

There, we're Sasha's two best friends Anne and Marcy. Marcy saw the two walking in the distance and waved excitedly and tripped as she ran over to them.

Y/n liked Marcy and Marcy liked her two. The two really hit off with each other. When Anne and Sasha would hangout it'll just be the two. They'd play video games, study and get in all sorts of shenanigans.

Anne on the other hand, didn't like Y/n. The reason was never discovered as she'd always give the girl the cold shoulder or ignore her. This caused some bad blood between the two and awkward encounters.

"EEEE!, Sasha, Sasha, Sasha!". Marcy squeals as she pulled the blonde into a hug after successfully pulling herself off from the ground. Sasha chuckled and squeezes the clumsy girl.

"Hey mar-mar. Sorry I'm so late. I had to drag this one with me". Sasha groaned as he jerked her thumb to her half sister standing idly as he gripped the straps of her overnightbag.

"Oh- um, that's ok. I wasn't really expecting her to be here but it's fine, it's fine". Marcy shrugs as she waved to the other girl. She doesn't know much about her but she's nice and good to play with

"Hey Marcy, it's good to see you too". Y/n waved at the ravenette. Did you finish the level we were on the other day!?. Cause oh man was that boss level tricky, but you managed to pull it off, you're just amazing like that and-

"Can we just get this over with?". Anne scowled as she sat on the parks bench avoiding anyone's gaze. The comment stopped Y/n's rambling and the tension in the air became thick.

No one know why Anne had become irritated all of a sudden as her outburst shocked a few. "Oh right, yes!". Marcy said as she grabbed her backpack and started to unzips an object and brought it out her bag. The object was covered by a cloth to hides its identity.

Sasha smirks in satisfaction as she watches Marcy unveiled the unknown object now to a box with threw gem stones and frog patterns imprinted on it. "Wow, this is cool!. Do you think those gems are real. I bet we'd get a fortune of them".

"Heh, maybe this thing is like what, thousands of years old?". The two continued their banter as Y/n looked to Anne who was sitting by herself smiling at her friends. Y/n sat near to her but not close.

"Hi Anne". She waved sheepishly to the girl as she an eyebrow and frowned. "Oh now you see me". Anne sethed as she crossed her arms. "Oh- No, no, no. I thought- since you didn't want-".

"Just, stop. It's better if you don't talk". Anne said as she shifted her attention from the girl and had a mad look on her face. Y/n didn't continued the conversation between them and felt the sting of her rejection.

They used to be some what close back a while ago but just stop talking for an unknown reason. Y/n always looked up to Anne and admired her spirit and her vibe. She was very funny, honest, goofy and loyal. And she was really pretty.

She longed to be friends with the Thai girl but nothing ever seems to blossom. Anne would walkways shrug her off or pretend she wasn't there, which hurt a lot. But she decided to let this go and let Anne be. If she wasn't going to make any effort to be somewhat friendly then fine.

After all these are just Sasha's friends. Not her's. So she shouldn't make a hassle to be buddies with them. And Sasha isn't really too keen on her getting close to her friends. She's just the little sister who tags along from time to time.

"-I'm not opening it  we should let the birthday girl!". Sasha exclaimed as she gestures to Anne who looks at them confused and anxious. "I don't know guys; I'm getting a bad feeling from this". Anne said as she rubbed her arm uncomfortable as a small gust of wind blew and the clouds clear from the sky revealing the bright moon.

"It's just a dumb box". Sasha said as she placed it in the girls' lap with a convincing grin. "Come on, they must be like diamonds in there or and Oldman's pocket watch he handed down from generations". She snorted at the last part.

Anne still seem concerned as the idea of opening the box just didn't sit right with her. Y/n noticed this and decides to speak. "Hey!, if she doesn't want to then you can't make-". "Shut it twerp!, I don't want to hear you. End.of.dicussion". Sasha exclaimed as she cut her off. The glare she was sending her was bone rattling.

She turns to Anne with the same stare. "Anne open it now. I'm not asking you twice". Anne looked at her anxiously as she looked to Marcy for help. She just shrugs and ushered her to do it. She looked at Y/n. Why did she look at her?. She a frown in her face and looked at her pleading.

Anne tore her gaze away from her shaking her head Slightly and face full of confidence. All four of them gathered around as he air went still as the brunette opens the box. It feels as if time stopped and the exact moment continued.

As she opens the box a bright light consumes their vision at a blinding rate. They shield their eyes away from the light as their bodies felt light and weightless. It felt like they were being pulled in by an invisible force very quickly.

In a blink of an eye the light stopped and the four girls disappeared in to thin air.

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