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It was a nice sunny day in the Plantar's house as Polly and Sprig were doing the dishes. Sprig was scrubbing a plate and Polly was licking a fork.

Sprig looked over to the conversation Anne, Y/n and Hop-pop were having. "Look dude, all I'm saying is, where we're from. You can get arrested for having a couch this firm."

"Especially if you just got it from Craig's List." Y/n piped in.

"Well, I didn't get this couch from "Craig", but back in my day we didn't have furniture. We sat in rocks sharp ones." He said as he pointed at them.

"Okay, but if we get butt blisters, I'm blaming you." Anne said as Y/n rubbed her behind from the firm couch.

"Back in my days, we call those characters." Hop-pop said as he placed his leg over the other with a crunch.

"Is that supposed to be normal?".



Later on the girls were carrying a create full of turnips as it was heavy.  "Ugh!, so heavy." Anne said from the behind as Y/n was infront. "Yeah, this is worse than rope climbing in P.E!". She groans as they carried it outside.

"Mind the flagstone." Hop-pop warned as Y/n's foot got stuck against the stone making them fall over with a thud. They both groaned as Anne was on top of Y/n. She looks down and quickly got up.

And she blushed embarrassed. "Ah!, sorry dude, you ok?." She said as she helped up her. "Yeah I'm good." Y/n said as she dusted off her clothes.

Anne sighed in relief, as Hop-pop spoke up. "Back in my day, kids spent lest time being clumsy and more time watching their step." He said as he picked up the turnip and pointed his foot to Y/n who looks down embarrassed.

Anne saw this and glared at Hop-pop. "It was an accident, she didn't mean to. And where I'm from, people fixed their crummy houses!." Anne sassed as Hop-pop gasped.

"How dare you, this house is like family!." He grumbled as he walked away. Anne rolls her eyes and Y/n picked up the left over turnips as Y/n turned to her with a grateful expression. "Thanks, dude".

She smiles and punched her arm softly and followed Hop-pop. Anne smiles as she felt where she slightly hit her and stared at her as she walks away.


Polly and Sprig were downstairs as Polly was playing with a deck of cards as Sprig was reading a book on the couch. There was a sudden thud from upstairs.

"Where we're from, we didn't rush people in the bathroom!.". Anne yelled from upstairs followed by another thud. "Well, back in my day, we didn't have a bathroom and we didn't go together!." Another thud came as some debris fell from the ceiling.

"It's a girl thing!.". Y/n yelled followed by another thud. "And stop hitting the door with a battering ram!".

"It's been 2 hours!". Hop-pop yells as Sprig groans in annoyance. "I can't take this anymore!."

"There just getting used to eachother, it's not a big deal". Polly said as she placed down her cards as Sprig hopped next to her making them fall out her hands.

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