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Night was fast approaching but that only made things easier for me to escape. One click in the staff parking lot and that guys car lit up like a beacon.

I didn't have a plan, I couldn't think clearly enough to construct one. I only had a goal. To find my daughter, make sure she was okay and get her to safety. It didn't matter what I risked in the process, what I needed to bargain or promise in order to cement my goal. I just needed to achieve it.

The wheels of my stolen vehicle turned against the gravel, driving up towards his Hendrix's mansion.

This was the only way.
The only chance at getting Everly back.

I knew the second the guards were monitoring me. Lights shon through car window causing my eyes to squint in the brightness. The closer I got the more the armed men began to appear until finally I reached a metal barrier preventing me from going any further.

As expected, I was surrounded.

A man, built solely by muscles banged on my glass window with a gun. Adhering to his wishes, I rolled the thing down and took a deep breath, hoping to come across as confident and brave.

"I'm here to see Hendrix, I'm guessing he's expecting me." The guy moved his vision around the car, probably checking to see if I was armed myself. When he settled back on me again I raised a brow at him, urging his next move.

A second guy, stood a little further ahead talking on the phone and I knew he was talking to Hendrix, ready to follow any order. I hoped that was a positive sign, surely that meant she was here and they hadn't shipped her off on a plane somewhere yet.

"Get out of the car." The man demanded, adding a venomous warning of, "slowly" to end of his sentence.

As I stepped out of the vehicle a German shepherd he had tied to the leash he was holding snarled at me, it's razor sharp teeth barred and ready to bite.

"Turn around." The man growled, giving me no time to comply before he slammed me against the car. A dull pain shot through my chest and I winced at the impact, it was sure to leave a bruise against my windpipe.

He patted me down, everywhere. Taking great liberties to really cop a feel between my legs and linger a grope of each breast. Of course, I didn't complain. If this was the extent of my torture here then I would be getting off lightly.

I just breathed, slow and steady through my nose so I didn't let my emotions run riot and take me away.

After his assault on my body was over he grabbed my arm violently and dragged me towards the mansion.

Dogs and guards with giant rifles strapped to their chests lined the hallway. I knew this route well, being mixed up with Hendrix really familiarised me with how tight his security was.

That's why I knew from the second we realised Hendrix was the one who had her and not Leighton, the only way forward was for me to go it alone. They would never let River through, he would be shot dead on arrival.

Hendrix knew me. He knew I wasn't a threat. Me showing up at his door would only bring him great joy because he loved to rein that power over me, use it to control aspects of my life.

The man led me through an indoor pool room and stopped when he got to the sauna room at the back. It was empty and lacking in steam, I turned to face him with confusion in my eyes.

"What am I doing in here? I'm here to see Hendrix." I reminded him.

"Hendrix will see you when Hendrix sees you. Sit the fuck down."

"I need to see Hendrix now." I emphasised.

"I won't tell you again, sit the fuck down."

"Please, just take me to him. I need to-"

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