Last Breath Sans(FantasyVision/Violin Take) [Small Change]

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A Version of Last Breath but By (Fantasy Violin).

Powers and Stat
Tier: 10-B Physically 8-A With Magic | At least High 7-C, possibly up to 7-B in Phase 2 | At least 7-A Possibly Higher with Gaster in phase 3 | At least Low 2-B posibily 2-A in Phase 4

Names:Sans, LBFV, ULB, Last Breath(Fantasy Violin)

Origin: Undertale (Last Breath)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Skeleton, Sentry, likely a Scientist, Professional Prankster, Royal Judge

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Magic, Inorganic Physiology,Non-Physical Interaction,Energy Projection (Via Gaster Blasters), SOUL Manipulation and SOUL Absorption,KARMA, Bone Manipulation, Intangible Attacks, Teleportation (Of himself, others, and his attacks), Telekinesis, Gravity Manipulation, Information Analysis,Danmaku, Resistance to SOUL Manipulation,Clairvoyance,Heat Manipulation and Radiation Manipulation,4th wall awareness, Bone manipulation,summoning (With Gaster blasters), Gravity Manipulation(via Blue magic)

All previous abilities on a higher degree, DT(Quote from Fantasy Violin: Unlike the OG, This Last Breath Sans unlock Determination power, each time the human got stronger he got stronger, each time the human refuse he refuses. Sans was patient (Blue eye) because he was someone who waited and waited for the human to give up, here as he said in phase 1.5 he wouldn't be the laziest Skeleton we once knew, he won't wait anymore, it's here and now, he will kill the humans), Hope(Quote from Fantasy Violin: In my version, it's because of his Determination and his Hope who got very high in an instant. For example, HP for me is an acronym for HOPE. Sans has 1 HP because he doesn't have a single hope. Chara inflicted to him a lot of damage but the fact that he was filled with Hope increased his HP and allowed him not to die yet), Self-Detonation(In phase 2 sans was going to blow up the whole underground along with Frisk and Chara), Perspective manipulation(Continuously flips the screen during the fight).

All previous abilities on a higher degree, Extrasensory Perception, Reality Warping, Information Manipulation, Data Manipulation(Could manipulate the files and data of his universe along with restart the whole computer after it had crashed, Power Negation(ULB can shut off the powers of other beings to a certain extent), 4th Wall Awareness(Quote from Fantasy Violin: In my animation, Sans, Gaster, and his Followers don't fight only Chara/Frisk but You, The jumpscares are attacks from them to the one who play Undertale. But don't worry the Gaster Followers have a limit and it's the screen you have. They can reach the screen but can't reach you (even if they do everything to break it)like Sans and Gaster who try to), Nothingness manipulation(Gaster is still connected to the void), Familiar Summoning (During the fight Sans can summon Gaster followers in battle). Physical Negation(Can neg the physical defenses of others), malfunctions manipulation (Could constantly create glitches during the fight), Countenance(creates scary faces). Personal Nonexistence.

All previous abilities on a infinite degree, Enhanced strength, Heat resistance, Mimic attacks, Explosion manipulation, Self-Sustenance, Immortality(Type 1,2,3,7,8), Combat Adaptation, Combat Magic. Enhanced Senses,Energy Projection, Erasure Immunity(When GBF Tried to erase sans, Gaster canceled it out), Nothingness Manipulation(Via Gaster), Erasure(Sans was able to erase frisk/Chara from the Timeline/AU), Summoning(Gaster Followers), Soul Magic(Via Gaster hands), Time Manipulation(continuously killed LG in his fight against him, also restored judgment hall after the city was destroyed in Phase 2 and 3), Illusion manipulation(Showed LG, Dust, Chara there past as he tortured them), 4th wall Awareness(Will attack the player instead of chara/frisk), Soul absorption(Absorbed the DT from Dust, LG and even Chara), Fission Inducement(Managed to separate GBF from BF), Magic Manipulation(Via Gaster), Resistance(Has a resistance to physical damage, magic attacks/manipulation and mind control), Higher stats(His ATK and DEF are 10^9999), Fear Inducement, Acausality(Type 1), Reality Warping(Was sending LG to different areas during there fight), Gravity Manipulation(via Blue magic),

Attack Potency: Human Level (Is the weakest monster even compared to Monster Kid, Manged to Kill the 6 humans in this timeline) | At least Multi City-Block Possibly Mountain level (Able to damage frisk with telekinesis, throw Dust out of judgment hall, created a much stronger earthquake when fighting Frisk/Chara that shock the underground, was summoning bones big enough to destroy a house, was able to match LG blaster which were able to destroy the underground city, Capable of blocking Frisk attacks with relative ease, was going to self-destruct himself destroying the underground but failed). | At least Multi City-Block, Possibly Mountain level | At least Low Universal

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+

Lifting Strength: universal level

Striking Strength: multiverslal level

Durability: weak | high multivers | ???

Stamina: Athletic Human, possibly Peak Human (Stated he's "He no longer holding back" Phase 2, and more determined to stop the human) | Average | Infinite

Range: Standard Melee Range | Multiversal

Intelligence: Supergenius (Has the combine mind set of both Gaster and Sans, Sans was able to remember all the resets in his universe/timeline(there were 6000,936,093 RESETS in his world), knew about the player and the save files, managed to manipulate the whole things beyond the save file like the whole computer instead, got the DT-Extractor working, Manged to over power another version of himself, was able to cancel the deletion of sans, managed to erase frisk/Chara from the timeline).

Standard Equipment: Unknown

Weaknesses: Unknown | None Notable

Feats: Fantasy Violin(Original)
Revolver animation (Phase 1/Phase 2/Phase 3+Vs Dust/Phase 4 +Vs GBF)
You know what? Screw it. If i use this damn scaling system, i can't make a perfect combining story. Have fun!

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