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Benny's POV:

I spent the whole week debating on coming over to Y/n's, but Goldberg ended up convincing me. Besides it would've been weird for everyone to go except me, with them thinking Y/n and I are friends. At least I'll get to hangout with her more.


      It was extremely chaotic trying to get everyone to Y/n's house, even more so when we all began to pile into her living room after she opened the door for us.

     It almost felt like a lucid dream entering her house. Of course, it's not the same house like the one in San Fernando, but it was basically all the same furniture. Seeing it and being at Y/n's house gave a sense of comfort mixed with an intangible gut feeling.

     "Hey everyone! Please make yourself at home," Y/n motions towards the coaches and kitchen, "There's snacks out on the table and in the fridge. Take any drink you want-"

     Y/f/n and Y/b/f/n immediately went to the kitchen.

     Y/n smiles, "They know where everything is. So they can help you find stuff too."

     Everyone took a seat either on the couch or the floor and Y/n's other friends came back with snacks, placing them on the coffee table.

     Connie and Guy sat on the loveseat together, while the couch was occupied by Y/f/n, Y/b/f/n, Charlie, and Linda. The rest of us all sat in a circle on the floor. Goldberg was on my right while Y/n was on my left. The room suddenly felt hot.

     "So what's the game plan?" Russ asked, rubbing his hands together.

     "Umm. It's up to you guys really," Y/n says, "We can play some games? What do you guys want to do?"

     "I'm down for some games. I have a deck of cards," Ken shrugs. Everyone agrees.

     "Let's play Spoons!" Julie suggests.

     "What the hell is spoons?" Dwayne asks.

     "You've never played?" Y/n asks.

     Dwayne shakes his head.

     "I haven't either. I've never heard of it," Fulton adds.

     "What?!" Charlie says surprised.

     Then in pure chaos manner, everyone begins clamoring in disbelief towards those who've never played before and discussing the rules of the game. Basically the point of the game is to get four cards in your hand, with the same number. Once someone has all the same number, they grab a spoon. Then it becomes free for all as everyone tries to grab a spoon. The person who doesn't get a spoon is out.

     "I think we need another deck," Guy points out, "There's too many of us."

     "I'll find one," Y/n gets up and quickly runs into a room looking for an extra deck.

     I look at the empty space that now appeared between me and Adam. He looks at me and I divert my attention to Goldberg who is striking up a conversation with Averman.

     Once Y/n got back with another deck and a handful of spoons. We set up the game and began playing.

     It started off slow as Fulton and Dwayne were trying to comprehend everything, but once they figured it out the game starting go fast pace.

     There was lots of yelling and shoving when it came to trying to grab the spoons, but was followed by fits of laughter.

     Y/f/n was the first to get out. She put her cards down in defeat and took the bowl of pretzels from the table and sat back on the couch. She sat like she was watching a movie.

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     Connie was the next to get out to which Guy let her hold his cards and they played as pair.

     "Adam, you're looking at my cards!" Y/n accuses.

     "I'm not looking at them. They are just in my line of sight," Adam points.

     Y/n smiles as she rolls her eyes. Then she picks up a card and passes it to me. Starting the next round. I see Adam put on an offended face as he realizes, he'll be the last in the group to get cards and it just makes Y/n laugh more.

     A couple minutes passed by and everyone was on edge because nobody tried going for a spoon, so we were all anticipating it. Then within a second Averman grabs a spoon and everyone shuffled towards the coffee table. Again, everyone erupted into screaming and yelling and spoons are flying everyone. Ken and Dwayne crawl after stray spoons.

     "Adam's a cheater," Y/n declares when we all sit back. She is spoonless.

     Adam laughs, "That's karma," and he waves the spoon around.

     I had to refrain from rolling my eyes.

    The game continues on with Adam getting out next. To which Y/n states, "That's karma."

     Until finally, it's Dwayne and Fulton left. The two guys who didn't know how to play in the beginning. It was very intense as the two shifted to face each other on.

     Everyone was cheering and rooting for one of the other, when Dwayne snatched up the spoon and let out a triumphant "Yeehaw!" He had won. We all clapped, laughing at his little victory dance until we all settled down.

After Spoons, we all just hung around. Talking, playing other card games in small groups on the side, and even watched t.v. until it was starting to get dark.

At one point Y/n and her friends went into the kitchen and I decided to follow.

I find Y/n sticking her head out the garage door whispering to her friends and pointing at something, "No. It's over there. Yes. No. Don't get that one. There- y/b/f/n-"

"Hey," I say.

Y/n jumps slightly, "Hi Benny," She smiles up at me.

"What's going on?" I ask as I hear some sort of commotion coming from the garage.

Y/n sighs, "They wanted some drinks."

I stood there for a moment, "Do you drink?"

"Sometimes. When we go to parties."

I couldn't imagine Y/n ever drinking and was surprised.

Y/f/n and Y/b/f/n came back from the garage giggling each with a bottle in their hands.

"Not too much. Please," Y/n says, "I don't want my mom to know."

Her friends nod knowingly and make their way to the living room to share with the others. Though I can't imagine any of them having a drink either because we aren't allowed to have any alcohol as athletes. And legally of course.

     It was just me and Y/n left in the kitchen. She taps her fingers on the kitchen counter awkwardly. 

     "I'm sorry about the other day," I whisper.

     She clicks her tongue and nods, staying silent for a moment then she responds with, "It's ok. I'm sorry too."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I was the one being rude."

     "Well I wasn't exactly being the nicest either," Y/n crosses her arms and looks up at me. She held my gaze and I was wondering if she felt the sparks we...used to have.

     I take in a shaky breath, "Do you-"

     "Hey-" a voice calls, "Sorry. Did I interrupt you guys?" Adam asks.

     "Yes" I say the same time Y/n says "No."

     She shoots me a disgusted look.

     Adam stands there for a moment, "I just wanted to know where the bathroom is."

     "Down the hall to the left. Across from my room," Y/n points.

     Adam gives an awkward thumbs up before leaving.

     Y/n turns to me giving me a 'What the hell was that' look.

     I shrug, "We were talking."

     Y/n rolls her eyes and makes her way back to the living room, taking a seat next to her two friends, instead of where she sat on the floor next to me.

     I sat down quietly next to Goldberg who seems to be sensing something. He raises his eyebrow and I just shake my head.

     "Y/n tell these guys to loosen up and have something to drink," Y/b/f/n says.

     "We can't. We're athletes. On a scholarship," Charlie explains.

     "We got to keep our system clean," Russ adds.

     Y/n's friends sit back, bored, but satisfied with not having to share anything.

     Once Adam gets back and sits down in front of Y/n, Y/f/n gasps excitedly, "We should play spin the bottle!"

     We all groan and Guy immediately put his arm around Connie, making it clear he didn't want to play. Connie shrugs his arm off, cheeks reddening.

     "Let's do seven minutes in heaven!" Goldberg yells.

     We look around for any confirmation or disagreement, but everyone seems down to play. Y/f/n puts down her bottle and points to Goldberg, "You spin first."

     Goldberg spins and the first person chosen is Averman. Then he spins again and the second person chosen is Y/b/f/n.

     A blush appears on both of them as everyone begins hollering and whooping while Y/b/f/n leads the two of them to a closest.

     The game has begun.

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