Y/N's POV: *time skip to next day or whatever*
"I don't know Adam," I say. He invited me join in on the Varsity/JV dinner, saying that Rick told him it was ok to invite me, but I didn't trust anything.
"It'll be cool, I promise," Adam pleads.
"No offense, Adam, but Rick is not a great guy. No one on your team is. How do I know they won't do anything to me or my friends? Ken told me that they put all of JV's clothes in the shower!"
Adam sighs, "Hey, but JV froze our uniforms."
I bit back a laugh, I knew about that too because Connie told me. I should've gotten mad because this Varsity and JV rival is annoying, but it was a really creative payback.
"I think we're even. Varsity shouldn't do anything. They didn't say they would do anything. It's tradition," Adam continues to try and persuade me to join the dinner.
"I'll go, if everyone else agrees to go."
"Yes!" Adam makes a little fist bump.
I couldn't help, but smile at Adam's excitement, "Are you going to sit with us a lunch today?"
Adam's shoulders slump and he frowns, "I can't. Varsity is making me sit with them again."
I nod, dissatisfied, "Riiight."
Adam catches on to my annoyance, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I can still see you in sixth period and after school and when we go to dinner," Adam forces an excited smile.
"If I go to dinner,"I point out.
"If you go to dinner," Adam corrects, "I bet you would love to go to dinner with me though," Adam eyes me.
A smile broke through and I look at my feet, "I would love to go to dinner with you. It's unfortunate your team will be there as well as our other friends."
Adam lights up, "So does that mean you're going?"
"I still want everyone else to agree on going, but for now, I will go."
"Great!" The bell rings, "I can give you details later."
*Team dinner*
I knew that Varsity was taking us to a fancy restaurant, but I didn't expect it to be this nice. The dress code was formal wear so everyone showed up in nice dresses or simple suits and Varsity booked us a private room. Everyone was in awe. Julie was admiring the decorations, Fulton and I were showing each other the most expensive items on the menu, Guy and Lester were wishing for money to go to a place like this, and even Dwayne was surprised by the amount of forks he had. I can't imagine how Varsity will pay for it all.
"How are you liking it so far?" Adam whispers to me.
"It's crazy. Even the water tastes expensive," I point to my cup. Adam laughs.
"Well you fit right in. You look really pretty," Adam almost sounds like he struggled to say that, but my heart melted anyway.
I blush, "Thank you."
Adam looks away, hiding his own blush, and so I take a chance to read over the menu again. Before I could, Benny caught my eye. He held my gaze for a second, before hiding away behind the menu. I couldn't read his face, so I just shook it off and returned my attention to the menu.
"Here," Fulton says to me, holding out his menu and pointing at one of the entrees, "What about that. It's 89 dollars."
"I dare you to get it," I say.
"I don't even know half of what's in it," Fulton shakes his head to himself.
"Think of this as an opportunity to try something new that you don't have to pay for. So is it really a waste?" I suggest.
Fulton takes a moment to consider, "True. But I like to know what exactly I'm eating. What if this is like...worms."
I laugh, "I don't think this place would sell worms."
"Hey, rich people eat weird things," He shrugs. I nod, agreeing.
The dinner was spent chatting and eating of course. The presentation of all the meals was amazing and everything tasted delicious. Fulton, along with majority of the team, settled for steaks. Something about bulking or carbo loading. I don't know. I just know that Fulton ended up with a more expensive meal, by two dollars, but he said he won our "bet" nonetheless.
Once everyone was wrapping up their meals and talking about getting desert possibly, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I tried to convince Julie or Connie to go with me but they were so immersed in their conversations, I didn't want to interrupt.
The bathroom was just as fancy. With marble top counters, gold taps, and not one, but two chandeliers, I felt like I would get in trouble standing in here. Rich people really do the most. So I tried to do my business as quickly as possible.
After leaving the bathroom I was taken aback to see all the Varsity players out in the waiting area.
I walk up to Adam, "What's going on?"
He turns around surprised, "We're getting the cake ready?" Adam seems unsure.
I look at him quizzically.
"Banksy!" Rick calls, "Let's go!"
"Wait you're leaving?" I ask. I thought they were getting a cake ready. I look at Rick's mischievous smile and back at Adam's scarred, almost guilt ridden face.
"Banksy! Bring your girlfriend and come on," Rick gestures to outside where the rest of the Varsity players were heading.
"What did they plan?" I ask.
"I don't know, I swear," Adam panics. Looking between me and Rick, "Let's just go," Adam reaches out towards me and I step back.
"You're pulling a prank and you're just going to leave? Adam, your friends are in there," I point to the private room.
"I don't know what they're pulling. They don't tell me anything."
"So then why are you leaving?"
Rick comes up behind Adam and grips his shoulders, "Hey. Time to go is now. You coming or not?" Rick directs his question at me.
I look at Adam's pleading and sadden eyes, "No."
"Great. Have fun then," Rick smirks and pushes Adam outside. The team takes off running and laughing, with Cole having to drag Adam along.
I march into the private room and I end up right next to a massive cake that towers over me. I walk around to the front of it and in big, blue letters it reads "Thanks for Dinner Losers!"
I turn to the table with the JV members, some of them have their face in their hands while others are just shaking their heads mumbling to themselves.
Charlie slams something down on the table, "857 dollars? That's crazy! How do we pay for this? We don't have that kind of money."
So that's how Varsity was going to pay for this dinner, through us.
"We have to work," I sigh.
Everyone looks at me confused.
"We don't have the kind of money to pay for the bill, so our alternative is to work to clear our debt," I explain. Everyone groaned.
"Well," Lester sighs, "Who's doing what?"

You Wish Book 2
FanfictionBook 2 of You Wish series! (Currently with a place holder title) Set a couple years later after Y/n moves away from San Fernando, leaving behind her best friends and first love. After moving to Minneapolis, Minnesota, Y/n navigates through her hig...