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Chapter I: Three Years Later

Sitting within the confines of the Terramaster III Jagter Corps plane, Draco Duskshard braced himself for the imminent leap. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, mingling with the lingering remnants of the transformation that had taken place three years prior. His appearance had evolved along with his powers.
Clad in a dark para-aramid tactical vest, camouflage tactical trousers, and sturdy combat boots, Draco exuded an aura of readiness. His gear was meticulously chosen, designed to enhance his combat capabilities while providing optimal protection. Notably, sleek dark Shardium gauntlets adorned his hands, forged from the mystical metal of the Outverse itself.

As the aircraft soared through the skies, Draco steeled himself for the upcoming mission. His training and experiences had shaped him into a formidable Jagter, honing his skills in the service of protecting the fragile balance between realms.
With a resolute determination, Draco leapt from the plane, hurtling through the air. The wind whipped against his face, a testament to the exhilaration that came with freefall. His years of training kicked in as he expertly maneuvered his descent, guiding himself towards the designated landing point.

Emerging from the sky, Draco landed with a controlled grace amidst the chaos of an illegal drugs laboratory. The air was thick with the acrid scent of chemicals and the tension of impending confrontation. He had arrived in the heart of the operation, where a dangerous drug known as Vision 2 was being produced.
Vision 2 held a perilous allure, granting temporary powers to those who consumed it. However, its magic was unstable, wreaking havoc on the minds of those who dared to dabble in its forbidden depths. It was Draco's duty to put an end to this criminal enterprise.
With a swift, fluid motion, Draco engaged the criminals in an epic fight. His Shardium gauntlets gleamed as he delivered powerful strikes, harnessing the energy of the Outverse to amplify his attacks. His movements were precise, his senses heightened by the dragon DNA that surged within his veins.

Amidst the chaos and flurry of combat, Draco pressed forward, displaying an unwavering resolve. The laboratory became a battleground as explosions erupted and the clash of weapons reverberated through the air. Draco's formidable skills and enhanced abilities allowed him to dispatch his adversaries with calculated efficiency.
Advancing deeper into the labyrinthine lab, Draco fought his way through the maze of production equipment and chemical vats. The scene unfolded like a twisted alchemist's nightmare, a stark reminder of the dangerous forces at play. The final confrontation awaited him at the heart of the facility.
However, upon reaching his objective, Draco discovered that the person he had been seeking was nowhere to be found. Frustration coursed through his veins as he cursed under his breath. "Shit," he muttered, realizing that his quarry had eluded him once again.
Refusing to be deterred, Draco focused on the mission's primary objective—saving a kidnapped scientist. He swiftly located the captive, breaking their restraints and leading them to safety amidst the chaos and crumbling structure.
As they emerged from the lab, Draco surveyed the scene, his mind already calculating the next steps. Though his intended target had eluded him, the battle was far from over. The pursuit of justice and the protection of both realms would continue.

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