...What the fuck?...

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A/N: Please let me know if you see any grammar mistakes. Also I do not own nor make the art and song above. And this story has no sort of motivation besides me needing to work on my grammar. And if someone wants to upload this onto Archive Our Own (Ao3), go right ahead just please give me credits.

Also this will definitely not follow the actual series.

This is my first story so it's gonna be shit.



Swearing, ( If that wasn't obvious)

Character death,

Tell me if I missed any

And no I won't count gay as one as it literally said it in the tags and title that this is gay.


Stiles' POV

I just helped kill somebody.

I helped kill somebody, and I don't even feel guilty.

I know I SHOULD feel guilty, but I just don't. 

Is there something wrong with me?

I mean yeah, probably if I'm smiling because of the fact I killed someone, but not the point.

To be fair he did torture and kill innocent people, (Me included on the torture part,) but I don't think we HAD to kill him. But then again there wasn't any other way to free the Kamina.

Maybe there was another way to free the Kamina.

Was there..?

Well, oops if there was.

You might be wondering 'Who?'.

'Who did you kill?'

'Why would you kill them?'

'How did you kill them?'

The first answer would be Allisons grandpa, Gerard Argent.

The second answer would be because he was trying to kill us and that was the only way we knew of to free the Kamina from its master.

The final answer would be beating him to death, and all I really did to contribute was give Lydia a metal bat to beat him with, I also had to give the first punch to catch him off guard.

Oh, and we THOUGHT we freed the Kamina from itself and the old man, but did life make things easy on us? No. The answer is no. Apparently, killing its master puts it deeper into instincts. So now it won't turn back into the human that I despise and hate but also love and cherish.

If you don't know who that is, it's Jackson. 

Who I may or may not have a crush on but at the same time I despise him and he despises me. He used to be my bestie but then once he met Lydia he became a dick. No, I do not mean he's trans, I mean he became a asshole. 

He's Lydia Martins boyfriend.

The girl who absolutely wishes I was wiped off of the face of this earth is his girlfriend.

It's awkward.

Like extremely awkward.

Anyways, I just got done checking on Jackson to make sure he was still alive and not too harmed. I was walking towards Scott (Unaware of the eyes that are following me.) Lydia just crashed Roscoe through a fucking wall. (I'm gonna be crying, ranting, and wreaking havoc about that later.) Allison was talking to Lydia trying to get her to calm down. Peter was talking go Derek. And Jackson has just started running towards me.



I get tackled to the ground and Jackson starts wrapping his tail tightly round my waist and his hands wander to the back of my head, shoving my head into his chest like he's... protecting me?

It's like he wants to protect me and just hold me close at the same time.

It's weird.

Scott quickly backs away, not wanting to risk me getting hurt.

"Why is the lizard clinging to me instead of its girlfriend" I all but hiss out.

All I fucking get is some confused glances, a glare from Lydia, and fucking purring form the damn lizard.

I pull me head back, earning a whine in response that I just ignore in favor of asking, "Why the fuck are you purring? Are you some sort of cat instead of a lizard?"

He smiles and did something no one expected.

He licks me.

He fucking licks me.

On my face

He doesn't seem to care when I scrunch my nose up in disgust and confusion.

Nor when I shove his face away. He just snuggles right into my hand.

"Can someone please explain what is going on!?" Lydia practically yells.

"No one knows the answer Lydia" I practically just screamed at her.

I thought she was the banshee, not me.

Sour Wolf seems really irritated with all the yelling and screaming.

He probably wants to be brooding in his loft, and probably wants to punch me so I would shut up. Me and him are far from besties.

Scott looks like he is having a internal conflict. Probably wants to grab me but also probably wants to use this as a way of getting me and Jackson together. Sly bastard.

Lydia looks like she wants me 6 feet under right now. She has hated me since she realised I exist which is since I interrupt her and her boyfriend during their make out session. She also thinks I am trying to make her jealous. (Ew.)

Allison is taking stupid pictures and is whispering something about blackmail. Which I find disturbing. She is one of my best friends, and since she knows of my crush, wants to use everything she can find to blackmail me into getting her together with Lydia.

I'm doomed.

Creeper Wolf is just picking at his nails looking extremely bored. Me and him actually hang out every once and awhile. He's not that bad but me and him still pretend in front of the pack.

And Jackson won't stop staring at me. Not even for a millisecond.

I don't even know how to feel about it, so, I just do what usually do.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

He did.

He used one hand to grab MY phone and take a picture of me.

He actually fucking did it.

"Okay this is creepier than Creeper Wolf."

I shoot Peter a look that says 'Don't take it as a compliment.'

He shoots me a smirk with a face that says 'Already did.'

I groan and look back to Jackson who still has my phone. I reach out for it, he didn't even fight back. That's new. It's like he will just listen to me and let me do what I want. Wait..

"Uh.. Go to Lydia.?" It sounded like a command and a question, but Jackson somehow knew it was directed to him.

Jackson whined

He complied none the less.

But he still whined.

As Jackson unwrapped his tail from my waist, removed his and from my head, and before he went to Lydia, he scent marked me.

He stood up and walked towards Lydia and when he was right next to her, he looked at me like he was expecting me to say something. But still...

 He scent marked me.

"...What the actual fuck?..."

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