Chapter 1

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Only a couple of years have passed since Aemond became engaged to Lucenys. He had spent those years in the company of the king.

His health was slowly failing, so Aemond took the role of reading to his father when he was not with his Master or Ser Criston.

Losing an eye meant a lot, relearning to walk, relearning to read.

"And what does Nys's letter say?" Father asked, coughing.

"Dear grandfather," read Aemond, "Kepa and I are leaving for white port in a couple of days. Mother received a letter from Lord Cregan Stark that while doing repairs they found dragon eggs. Possibly from Silverwing when great-great-grandmother Alyssane visited Winterfell...

"...we will meet at white port. Lord Manderly will receive us at newt cut. It will be my first long dragon flight and I am very excited. I will also take advantage and visit the Snow Sept, they say it is very precious and I would like to see it with my own eyes.

I promise to write you everything about my trip with Kepa.

With love


Aemond frowned.

Since they were betrothed, Aemond has been sending many ravens to Dragonstone in the hope of further learning about his betrothed.

But he only received letters with a few lines, very cold responses, very different from this letter.

-Dragon eggs! - replied the king, looking at the dragon on his model -, see Aemond, the Starks are very honorable, they informed us of their existence and they are going to return them.

-At the hands of Daemon.

-Yes, but how are Silverwing's eggs. And my grandmother's dragon lives there, it's the best.

Father puts his hands in my hair and ruffles it a bit.

-Were you excitedly waiting for Lucenys's letter?-, he smiled at him, Aemond saw the wrinkles on his forehead and his eyes became more noticeable-, better when they return from the trip we can write to her so that you can be there for a couple of weeks and spend time with Nys.

Aemon nodded.

He was anxious to see his fiancés again.

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Lucenys laughed as snowflakes fell into her hair. The North had a light snowfall upon arrival.

"Agh, I don't know how they can live in this cold," Kepa said, shaking the frost off his cape.

Caraxes landed in the courtyard of New Fortress where Lord Desmond Manderly was waiting for them with his two sons and a young man about Aegon's age, wearing Stark colors, along with about three servants.

"Prince Daemon!" - Lord Manderly approached and made a slight bow to him to then look at her - "Princess Lucenys. The songs of the courts do not do justice to the beauty that it possesses"

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Manderly." Lucenys bowed slightly to her host. "We appreciate your receiving us."

"Oh, of course. It is Lord Cregan's first trip" said Lord Manderly, "and to see two members of the crown in my fortress"

Eternal Eternity [Cregan Stark] Original story by @alyniveloOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz