Chapter 8

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Alicent had no time to waste.

As soon as it was dawn she ordered her maids to release the Septa of Lucenys to help her get ready, she asked that they bring her a dress, in a rich emerald with matching jewels, and a pair of trusted maids.

Aegon's coronation arrived and having Lucenys present gave the image she wanted. Her son as king and her daughter as queen consort, Aemond and his fiancée in front of all of King's Landing.

"Are you stupid that you didn't listen to me?!", she heard the cry of the Septa, heartbreaking sobs could be heard in the background. "Call the Master and have them bring Moon Tea to the princess!"

Alicent's blood ran cold, she lifted her skirt and opened the door wide.

The room was chaos, the maids tried to get Lucenys to talk, but she was crying heartbreakingly, like a fawn that had one of its legs broken. The Septa had her hugged to her chest.

"What happened?" Alicent asked.

"Prince Aemond raped Princess Lucenys last night!" the Septa shouted, Alicent had never seen a Septa this furious in her life. "He disgraced her!"

Lucenys cried harder, almost drowning in her own tears. Alicent tried to get closer, reaching out to touch her shoulder, but Lucenys pulled away from her with a pained moan.

"Please...moon tea," Lucenys pleaded, her pretty eyes showing pain. "I promised myself to love every child born to me, but I will never love a baby conceived this way... please."

Alicent looked at Lucenys, she couldn't go out in that state.

Aemond... What led him to commit such an atrocity against this sweet little bird?

"You Septa will stay with the princess," Alicante ordered and then looked at the maids. "Get out. Now Septa, Aegon will be crowned, you will stay here until we see how to handle this situation."

Alicent turned and walked out the door, ordering the guards to secure it.

"Noo!", knocks against the door were heard, Lucenys screamed. "I want to go home! I want to see my mom! I want my mom!"

Alicent walked to Aemond's room, he was ready to go to Dragon Well, she approached and slapped her son hard.

" could you do that to Lucenys?" she asked with her voice shaking.

"I just made sure my fiancée wasn't taken from me."

"You only had to wait a week and she would be your wife in the eyes of the Gods and the court!" she screamed in his face. "Now she's sobbing like a wounded animal in her room!"

Alicent took a deep breath.

"We'll go ahead with the wedding," she said. "But you will stay away. Three days, that's the furthest I can get this situation forward and before the Blacks find out that you raped Rhaenyra's beloved daughter. Besides, if she becomes pregnant, the baby will not be born a bastard."

Alicent turned towards the door and looked at her son.

"I didn't raise you like that." Alicent looked at him coldly. "You have disappointed me".

──── ∗ ⋅✧⋅ ∗ ────

Lucenys felt dirty, broken...used.

She would have resignedly accepted Aemond into her bed, but once they were married in the sight of the Gods, but now, she was used and disgraced.

Yunet ran her hands through her hair, she screamed when one of the walls opened like a door, and a Gold Cloak came out with a bag.

"Princess Lucenys," the guard said. "I come on behalf of Ser Erryk. Some guards have already taken out Princess Rhaenys, I come to do the same with you, take you to Dragonstone under the protection of Queen Rhaenyra."

Lucenys looked at the Gold Cloak as if he were her savior. She put away a couple of important things, he handed her some maid's clothes for her. The three of them moved through secret corridors, endless dark places, she tried to forget the stinging pain in her privacy, a physical reminder of what Aemond did to her.

They took to the streets of King's Landing. Unfortunately she found herself dragged by the crowd towards Dragon Pit. She froze when she saw Aemond next to Helaena, he looked serious, serene.

How could she stand with that expression after he raped her last night?

She watched Aegon walk toward the dais, beneath an arch of swords. When he arrived the queen kissed him on the forehead.

She closed her eyes, not wanting to witness her birthright being taken away from her mother.

A hand rested on her shoulder and she turned, letting out a sob when she saw Rhaenys's face.

"Nys," she said, hugging her to her chest. She quickly took her hand as they both glided to where the dragons were.

The dragon keepers saw her, but instead of stopping them, they showed Meleys. Lucenys did not feel the strength to fly on Arrax,

"Sōvegon inkot īlva, Arrax. (You fly after us, Arrax)," she ordered the young dragon of hers.

Lucenys was helped onto the Red Queen, hugging her grandmother, her arms clinging to her torso.

"Aemond killed me last night," Lucenys said. "He destroyed Me in the worst way anyone can destroy a woman."

"Don't cry my girl," Rhaenys replied. "You will be avenged. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but you will be."

──── ∗ ⋅✧⋅ ∗ ────

Aemond watched his brother enjoy being cheered before a crowd. Wearing the crown of the conqueror as if he were custom made.

"Green visions, green visions," Helaena murmured, looking away, avoiding seeing the new king. "The wolf opens his lair for the pearl. Green visions, green visions... a sailboat towards the snow..."

Aemond looked towards mother who proudly saw Aegon crowned, the floor shook.

He had sheltered Helaena in his arms from the rubble and screams of the people.

Meleys, the red queen emerged from the floor showing Rhaenys above her. Aemond stood in front of Helaena, an order from her mother made Cole run towards them.

And bravely, Alicent stood before Aegon. Meleys' face approached them, and Aemond took a step forward as he noticed Lucenys clinging to Rhaenys, her eyes red from her crying.

"Lucenys," he tried to approach his fiancée, but the dragoness roared so loudly that she made the floor rumble.

Rhaenys glared at them all before flying out of the Dragonpit, taking Lucenys away from him, and soon after, Arrax flew behind them leaving the place in a dead silence.

Rhaenys glared at them all before flying out of the Dragonpit, taking Lucenys away from him, and soon after, Arrax flew behind them leaving the place in a dead silence

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This writing is not originally mine, the original author is: alynivelo

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Eternal Eternity [Cregan Stark] Original story by @alyniveloWhere stories live. Discover now