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As time went by, Keefe recovered from the shock of Will manifesting as an imperator. And so did Will, who gained control of the ability quickly--but was still relieved to be able to keep it turned off.

Anna stood by his side every step of the way. It was very sweet, the way she would come over to Aeternum and walk with him around the pond. Witnessing his distress at manifesting again seemed to bring out a strong desire to encourage and comfort him.

Sophie and Keefe tried not to snoop on them, but they couldn't help but watch out the kitchen window at the sight of them holding hands.

And then tell Fitz and Linh all about it.

Dex and Biana did the same when Amy started going over to spend more time with Alvin.

By the time Will graduated from Foxfire, he had proposed to Anna and was preparing to enter the Nobility. Amy and Alvin were getting married soon too.

Emma had several young elves interested in her, but was still waiting to find the right someone.

Waiting to feel that pull, that spark, that she knew--even without being an empath--that her parents felt for each other.

One day, after spending hours with Grady and Edaline, Sophie and Keefe retreated to their favorite little clearing in the Grove.

"The question now, is, do we start over?" Keefe asked Sophie as they entered the clearing. "Now that Will has graduated, do we start having more babies?"

"Hmm, maybe we should," Sophie mused. "Now that the last of our friends are finally getting married and starting families, we could give their kids some built-in friends."

Keefe squeezed her hand. "Whenever you're ready."

"What do you think about what Mr. Forkle told us this morning?" Sophie asked him.

Mr. Forkle had informed them that the Collective was ready to step down and let Sophie, Keefe, Biana, Dex and Fitz take over, just as they had intended for many years.

But Sophie and her friends weren't sure they saw the point.

The Collective was doing just fine running the Black Swan--which thankfully wasn't dealing with high stakes anymore (and hopefully never would again)--so they weren't sure there was any need for a change.

"I still think it isn't necessary. But if they insist on stepping down, I think we should do it. But if they're willing to remain where they are, then there's no need for us to take over."

"I agree. Plus, I can't help but want to keep my focus elsewhere."

"On me?" Keefe asked with a smirk.

Sophie rolled her eyes, but smiled at him. "My focus is primarily on you," she agreed. "But I meant more in a professional sense."

"Is this the part where Fitz appears out of nowhere and starts talking about how you're Cognates?"

"No," Sophie said. "But I'll be sure to let him know you still make fun of him for that."

"Oh, he knows," Keefe said. "I do it to his face, too."

Sophie laughed. "Well anyway, what I mean is, I still wish I could find a way to convince the elves to reinstate the humans as intelligent species. I can't stop thinking about all the ways humans have suffered due to lack of help from the elves--and it wasn't even their fault, like we were all told."

"You think we could make that much of a difference?"

"It would make a huge difference, in time. Think of all the wars that have broken out, many of which the elves could have helped mediate without bloodshed. Of the Holocaust and how easily elves could have put a stop to it. Think of the countless women who struggle with infertility, and how easy of a fix that is for elves."

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