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"why do people are scared to fall in love?" a seventeen year old boy asked his father, who simply passed a small smile filled with sadness and awe. Keeping the kalam down and rolling the parchment of paper he was writing one. The father diverted his attention to his inquisitive son.

"who said that?" the father cross questioned his son, beckoning him to sit down besides him.

"everyone says that, baba" the child traced invisible patterns on his dhoti while awaiting his father for the answer who simply smiled at his child.

"why such a query at such a young age, my child?" fingers brushed through the locks of child as the older man queried further, hoping that he knows the intent behind his child's words.

"because aaji was telling me that I am getting married soon in a few years" it was true, his child was already engaged and would soon get married too.

"baba, will you please answer my question? am I supposed to love my wife or not?"

"you are supposed to love her and respect her" the father told his son, while brushing his hand through his child's hair and rested his cheek on his child's head while his eyes looked deep into the abyss of blue spread covering the beautiful landscapes. The father continued taking a deep breath which choked his voice.

"everyone is supposed to fall in love but not many are united with theirs and love is not just limited to a husband and wife. It's the most beautiful feeling which leaves you powerless when you lose it and it empowers when you are at your lowest" the child still looked confused at his words.

"love is like a storm which takes you to places which are unknown to you. the scary sounds and streams don't stand in the way of it when it's true"

"is there a way to know what is true love?"

"like Shri Ram and Sitaji's love is true because ram waged a war against ravan to rescue his wife if not for love than why. Because ram respected and loved his wife and couldn't bear the thought of her being in pain and away from him"

"But he is a god" the child said with his lips puffed up. God is supposed to love everyone and everyone love him.

"Let me tell you about a story which was is of mere humans" the father said and started to narrate the story to him which the boy paid attention to whole heartedly.


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