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July 29th 2021

Sicily, Italy

Lombardi's Main Estate


Madeleine's POV

I groaned as I left the bathroom for a third time within in an hour. For some reason I've been needing to piss more often and I threw up after I smelt something strong, I still don't know what the smell was.

It's almost been a week since Lorenzo, Lucia and I came to Sicily and the party was tomorrow. Lately, I've been feeling under the weather, despite taking medication, I feel the same.

I'm supposed to be in the living room with Stella, Zia Emilia, Zia Elena, Diwa and Lucia to put on our dresses for tomorrow whilst the tailors were here just in case they needed to be altered last minute.

"Madeleine, are you ok?" Stella asked me. I was at the end and she was the only person next to me. She couldn't look directly at me as one of the the tailors were currently helping her. I said yes and packed my hair up in a bun due to some strands getting in my face.

Stella called her sister over, who was done with altering her dress, and had a quiet discussion with her in Italian before Zia Elena turned to me.
"Are you sure you're feeling ok dear?" I told her I was fine.

"D go put on your dress?" she said to Diwa who was sat on the couch strolling through her phone. Then she turned back to me and told me to come with her to Stella and Stefano's master bedroom.

I followed unsure of what this was for. Once we arrived I saw a white plastic bag on the bed.

"How long have you been feeling sort of unwell?" we sat down.

"Around 2 days now" I calculated in my head.

"So Stella had a feeling that there could be a particular reason that you've been needing to go to the bathroom often and you threw up from the smell of coffee" I waited for her to go on, when she listed it like this I had a feeling of what she was going to say but I was hoping it wasn't true "You might be pregnant"

Never in my life have I had a pregnancy scare.

"What if I'm not?" how the hell would I tell my parents and brother that I'm pregnant, which basically means I'm sexually active and they don't need to know that!

"Then maybe you're just sick, but don't worry, there are 2 tests in the bag. The bathroom is through that door, if you feel more comfortable i can bring Lucia to be here with you" she tried to reassure me but I honestly didn't care about who's here because I don't think I'm pregnant.

"It's fine, I'll go take the test" I picked up the bag and entered the bathroom. Maybe I'll consider birth control after this. It's not that I don't want kids because I do but I don't know if I want one right this second.

A minute has passed since I took them both. Stella had arrived and Zia Elena left as she heard people calling for her.

"I think you can flip it now" Stella lifted up her reading glasses as she had been looking at the brand's website. I took a deep breathe in and out before flipping the tests around.

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