Chapter 56

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Xu Jinchao was stunned for a while.

She understood every word of the doctor and could clearly understand it, but how could Song Jiao be the core person in these instructions?

She didn't believe it at all.

"Doctor, that's not right. My wife has no mental illness. She has always been normal. We... grew up together and lived together for a long time. Can you watch the movie again?"

In order to prove his statement, Xu Jinchao also brought out the experience of [Xu Jinchao] growing up with Song Jiao and asked the doctor to re-read the scan.

She was also convinced that everything was normal for Song Jiao. Before going out in the morning, she joked with her that she wanted to kiss her goodbye. Last night, she suddenly had a small temper. She must confirm that her appearance is the type she likes.

How can such a fresh person be implicated in mental illness?

It's not that Xu Jinchao discriminates against mentally ill patients. She has some relevant medical knowledge and knows that it is a common disease like various chronic diseases that humans are susceptible to.

After falling into anxiety and depression, she also went to the psychiatrist, but considering the various side effects of the drug, especially the extrapyramidal reactions such as resting tremor, she did not take it in the end.

But that's Song Jiao, who is full of energy every day, will joke with her, occasionally be willful and coax her, but she is very caring and caring for her Song Jiao.

Xu Jinchao didn't think there was anything wrong with Song Jiao. Seeing that the doctor did not intend to overturn her previous judgment, she asked again:

"Is there a mistake in the film?"

She was so sure that the doctor asked again seriously, confirming that Song Jiao had no relevant medical history in the past, and then said:

"It is unlikely that the wrong CT and MRI film will be taken at the same time. If you are worried, go to the imaging department and ask."

Xu Jinchao felt that he had to ask again. It would be troublesome if he made a mistake in the film. After all, Song Jiao was also associated with another patient.

She found the imaging department of the hospital, and the medical staff of Huacheng Hospital were very serious and went to verify it immediately.

Xu Jinchao refused to believe that Song Jiaozhen had any organic brain disease. He believed that he had made a mistake in the film, and was a little annoyed and funny.

It was so outrageous that she had to tell Song Jiao about it and make her smile too.

Unexpectedly, the hospital quickly responded: The film is not wrong, these two brain scans are of Song Jiao.

Song Jiao was the only patient who underwent CT and MRI at the same time due to concussion in the morning, and the other films did not match.

Xu Jinchao seemed to be thrown a bowl of cold water on her head. She stood there, only to feel that the temperature of the air conditioner in the hospital was so low that it made people feel cold all over.

She seemed to go back to the time when she heard that Song Jiao had a car accident, her mind was in chaos and she couldn't find a clue.

Xu Jinchao found the doctor in charge of Song Jiao. She lost her previous conviction, and she was in a hurry.

"Doctor, my wife and I did grow up together. Her parents were not with her for a long time. We lived together for several years. I can confirm that she has no experience in psychiatry, and her daily behavior is normal. , very normal. How could she have brain lesions?"

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