Chapter 2: Finding Out The Truth

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Chris, as usual, was drinking a cup of coffee inside the cafe near his house in the morning. As he was about to take a sip of the coffee, he saw two old ladies talking at the table ahead of him. It seems like an interesting conversation, So he secretly listens to their talking.

Lady 1: "Hey, have you heard of the old daycare that got burned down in 19## near the neighbourhood? I heard that there's also a case about children there being killed and abused there."

Lady 2: "Really? Poor children, don't deserve to be abused or killed. Especially at a very young age. May their souls rest in peace."

Lady 1: "I heard the souls of the children are haunting people around the neighbourhood. I'm not sure whether they are nice souls or not so just be careful, I guess?... Many people in the neighbourhood had seen the souls of the dead children but they never interacted with them. Most saw them near the woods, which is where the daycare is. "

Lady 2: "Oh dear, that's creepy. Can you describe what one of the souls looks like?"

Lady 1: "Yes indeed. Airie, who's known as one of the victims. She's one of the most popular souls that people talk about. She wears a red T-shirt and short blue jeans. She has straight dark-ish brown hair, her hair is average, and her skin is very pale. People see her as the 'Leader' compared to the other souls."

Lady 2: "I love her name, it reminds me of flowers."

Chris in his mind: "Airie... Her name is Airie huh? Her name is the same as my missing older sister. I don't even remember what she looked like so what if that child is... Stop it, Chris, this might just be a coincidence! right?.. Out of all people, why does the child want to target me? It doesn't make any sense. Oh, I should just ignore it and it'll probably go away. "

???: "Excuse me.. sir?"

Chris: "Wha- huh?"

Chris imminently looked at the person calling him. "You dropped your wallet.." said the person who was holding Chris's wallet. "Oh- oh! Why thank you.." Chris said as he gently grabbed the wallet from the stranger's hand. He then noticed a small note sticking out of his wallet that he didn't remember seeing in his wallet. "Hm? now what's this" Chris wondered as the stranger walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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