Fred Weasley : The Pranking Reality

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Name: Emilia
House: Gryffindor

Ever since your third year you have always been the target of the famous Weasley twins pranks. You don't know what started this, but one day they just pranked you, and they've been doing it ever since.

Most of the pranks were harmless, like turning your hair green, blue, or yellow. They always justified the pranks by saying, "you just needed to show pride to some of the other houses."

The thing about these pranks are that they have been getting more and more, harmful. One time the twins lit your potions essay on fire, making you get a detention for not being able to turn it in.

Another time they made your robes a bright pink colour and it was really embarrassing. And just recently they had somehow made all of your clothes shrink in size. This meant that you had to were to small clothes all day.

They were really tight, and tight in all the wrong places for a school, but they didn't care. You got cat called all day and you heard people whispering about it for the next few days.

It had been 3 days since that "prank" and people are still cat calling you and talking about your body even when they know your around. It made you really uncomfortable.

You tried asking people to stop but they won't. It was scary for you, because people started to follow you, insisting that you come to their dorm with them. Most of them would let up after you walked into your common room but some of them would still try to follow you.

Since you started getting so paranoid that the twins were going to prank you again, you started skipping classes to avoid them. Your grades started to really drop, badly. McGonagall pulled you aside yesterday and told you that if you missed one more homework assignment, you would have to retake that year.

So naturally last night you stayed up all night to make sure all your essays were done, even the ones you skipped. You were feeling better, knowing you got your work done. But that did not last long.

As soon as you walked into the Great hall for breakfast you were covered in red and yellow paint. Not only were you covered but your essays and homworks were as well.

They were ruined, they were all ruined.

As you look up you saw two red headed twins laughing their heads off at you. Whenever they pranked you, you could deal with it. But now, you couldn't. Tears started to form in your eyes, knowing that you would have to retake that year.

Your parents will be so disappointed, they will be disappointed in you. And that, was your biggest fear. Disappointing your parents. As tears started to fall from your eyes you ran out of the great hall, still being laughed at.

You ran all the way to the Gryffindor common room and sank onto one of the couches, crying. After around five minutes you felt the area on the couch next to you sink in. You went to get up and run to your dorm but the person had already put their arms around you.

You looked up to see a red headed boy, who had a sad look in his eyes. "Fred?" You questioned.

He looked down at you and you could see that he was hurt, but you didn't know how. "I'm sorry." Was all he had said.

"I didn't realize that you felt this way, I thought you enjoyed being pranked. You always laugh it off with us." He continued after a little while.

I shook my head. "No. No I don't like being pranked, I pretend to yes, because I don't want people to see how much it hurts me."

He just held me tighter in his arms.  "And now people did see. And I'm going to have to retake this year!" You said frustrated.

"Wait why do you have to retake this year?" He had a puzzled look on his face.

"Because, McGonagall told me that if I miss another homework or essay, I will have to retake this year, and you and your stupid prank just ruined all of the essays and homeworks I spent all night on." I said as I started to tear up again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I'm so sorry. I can help you rewrite them, maybe we can get them done before classes?" He suggested. I nodded quickly, gladly taking his help.

We started on my essays and homeworks and we got them done. Throughout the time of him helping me, we talked and laughed, even though he pranked me, he is kinda nice when he wants to be.

As we were walking to our first class he asked me something that surprised me. "You might say no and that's fine but, could we maybe, be friends?" He asked. I was a bit taken aback but I responded not long after.

"Yes. But, if you ever prank me again, I will not hesitate to find a way to tell your mother." I threatened. When we were talking he let it slip that he was afraid of his mum at times, so I used it to my advantage.

He nodded and we continued walking. Even though Fred and I made up, and we were friends now, people still continued to cat call me, and talk about me. But the good thing about that, is they would either get yelled at or punched in the gut by Fred.

I smiled as he dramatically opened the door to potions for me. I saw Fred giving George the thumbs up out of the corner of my eye. I laughed slightly then fred led me over to where he, Lee and George usually sit. He made Lee move so he could sit next to me.

I can tell that Fred and I are going to be great friends, whether I hated his guts this morning or not.

My first oneshots! How is it? Also, please comment if you want to, I LOVE reading them


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