Draco Malfoy :

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Request from: JulzLovDraco4Eva
House: Gryffindor
Name: Julia Russel

"Dayco." 5 year old Julia Russel said confidently.

"No sweetie, it's Draco." Her mother corrected me.

"Dats what I said. Dayco." Julia retorted.

"Dray-co, Draco." She tried.

"Day-co, dayco." The girl said as she smiled.

She frowned at her daughter which caused her to frown.

"Why you frownin mummy?" She asked.

"We have to make a good impression on these people tonight sweetie. And you saying their sons name wrong won't help."

Julia frowned even more.

"Well I don't care if I sayin dere son name wong." She said sassily.

"He can suck it up mummy." She finished.

Her mother laughed and then checked the time.

"Well we have to go now. Make sure to be on your best behavior, ok?" She asked.

Julia nodded happily and she took her hand. The mother led her daughter down the stairs to her husband.

The three of them then apparated to the Malfoy Manor. Julia's father knocked on the door and a Lucius Malfoy opened the door.

He allowed them in and had Narcissa show them around the house. Before she did that she led Julia to where Draco was.

"Draco, this is Julia. She'll be here for a while, so be nice to her."

The small blonde boy nodded and walked over to her.

"Hi I'm jewia." She said as she reached her hand out.

"I'm dayco." The boy said as he shook her hand.

"So what do you wike to pway?" Julia asked.

"Anyting weawy. Wanna pway cars?" He answered then asked.

She nodded and he led her over to where all of his toys were. His room was really big so he definitely had a lot of toys.

"I'm dis many, how many are you?" Julia asked as she held up 5 fingers.

He held up 5 fingers as well.

"I also did many!" He said smiling.

Both of the children continued smiling and playing with the cars until Julia had to go home.

It was this day that started the two hanging out everyday for quite some time.


"Are you excited for our first day at Hogwarts?" Draco asked his long time friend, Julia.

"Of course I am, stupid!" She nodded her head enthusiastically.

Both kids walked into the train and went to find their compartment, that Draco had sent Crabbe and Goyle to find earlier.

"This one." Draco said as he pointed to a compartment with two plump looking boys sitting inside.

Julia followed Draco inside, standing there for a second.

"Can I sit by the window?" She asked tentatively.

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