Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty : The Perfect Night For Embarrassment

"Go find your other braincell and leave me alone to drink my troubles away."

~ Third Person ~

Christmas! Everyone loves Christmas! There are presents and 'family bonding' and presents and food and Christmas trees and terrible carolling and, well, don't forget the presents! 

Y/n Hale loved Christmas, which was why she found herself stampeding around her room like an angry hippogriff early Christmas morning to try and be the first one to open all the presents (and not her gremlin of a brother, who had snored so loudly last night she had barely restrained herself from smothering him with his pillow).

The party last night had ended somewhere around one in the morning, with flat out drunk family members being shoved into cars while the more sober members grumbled goodbyes and wished a happy Christmas as they drove them home.

Because of the late hour at which they'd all gone to sleep, Y/n had set up an alarm to wake her at nine o'clock. Unfortunately, she had been awoken two hours before her alarm was to set off by the furious tapping of a familiar menacing owl. 

It seemed Potter hadn't been exaggerating at all, and was indeed, super bored.

My dear Nosey,

First of all, rude. Like, siriusly (teehee), so many insults. All in one letter. You've truly broken my heart! How will I ever live, knowing you, dear Nosey, think so little of me? Ah, the pain~~ I think I'm slowly... dyinggggggggg... eugh!

But, you know, for someone who says they hate me on a daily basis, you wrote quite a bit. Obsessed much, no? 

I don't really blame you. I am quite a catch. I'm just happy to see you finally embracing it! Unfortunately, there is a queue, so you'll have to wait a really loooooong time before you can even act on those wonderful feelings you have for me because, I don't know if you know this, but I have quite a few admirers! Not really a shocker though, I'm sure. Like I said, I'm quite a catch.

I'll have you know that your new nickname is very fabulous and one Sirius Black agrees with me, so you know what? I'm going to keep using it. You hating it is just a bonus, anyway!

My chaser skills are amazing, thank you very much. Not to flex or anything (except I totally am and there's nothing you can do to stop me), but I am one of the best chasers that Hogwarts has ever seen, Mcgonagall even said so herself (so, ha, loser). And I've definitely scored more than you, little Nosey. 

Prank? What prank? I don't remember any of that... so you must be making that up. I have never been embarrassed or humiliated in front of the whole school. Never, ever, ever! You must be going insane... or have a concussion as you've claimed I have. Maybe in reality, you were self-projecting? Ever thought about that?

And you have the audacity to criticise my nicknaming skills?! Potty Potter, pfft... so unoriginal... and stupid... so never use it again cause... it's bad. Anyway...

Since you asked so nicely, I thought I might as well update you on what everyone else's responses were. 

You should be disappointed to know that no one sent me a howler! Which is a good thing, really, I think my mum would've skinned me alive if they had... just imagining that monstrosity of a situation is giving me goosebumps...

(Also, goosebumps, such a weird word, right? Do you ever wonder who came up with that? Like, what were they thinking?! Goosebumps. I guess I get the bumps bit... but the goose part?! What's it mean? I'll ask Remus, he'll know!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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