Chapter Three

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Chapter Three : Marvellous Plan

"Oh yes, and watching you two fly around and sweat is so much fun."

"Ok, and how did you come up with all of this?" asked Tina, as we all sat in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Moaning Myrtle's bathroom had become like our secret little hide out. We usually come here during break, or if we're being chased by Filch because of prank we did.

"Well... I was sitting there - in Potions - thinking about how life was pure torture!" I said dramatically. Tina rolled her eyes, but nodded as if to say 'continue'. "Anyway, I started thinking about how we always have to suffer... right and then, it kinda clicked, you know?"

"What clicked?" asked Stacey. She was the only one, out the four of us, that was standing. She was leaning against one of the stall doors as we all sat in the middle.

"Well... about how... you know... how mhm always suffers." I emphasised the 'mhm' bit. I didn't say who in case someone could hear us, and we all knew who I was talking about anyway.

"Right... that makes sense... I guess." said Stacey after a bit of silence.

"But how did Mcgonagall get in your head when we were in Potions?" asked Tina, looking at me like I was some weird species she's never seen before.

I only shrugged in response. I didn't know how Mcgonagall got in my head. Maybe I actually listened to her in Transfiguration and remembered that she was an animagus?

"I mean, we were in Potions!" Tina said, snapping me put of my thoughts. "Ho-how does that just happen? We were with a completely different teacher! I-I... how... Your brain is weird!"

"Thanks." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I lay down on the floor, my legs still crossed, which was kind of uncomfortable, but I was to lazy to move.

"Well this is great!" shouted Stacey.

"Y-yeah." said Eleanor, timidly. She hadn't said anything for the entire conversation, but this was totally normal for her. She usually just listened to us. Sometimes she would give her opinion if it was necessary. "We've finally got something!"

"Yeah... Yeah! You're right!" I said, realisation just hitting me. We have something. We have finally got something!

Suddenly, we heard a wail coming from one of the stalls. I groaned in annoyance, but my groans weren't heard, as the wails grew louder and then 'pop', and out came the ghost of a girl. She wore huge, circular glasses, that magnified her tears. Her black hair was styled into pigtails. Her Ravenclaw robes, along with the rest of her, were transparent white. This... was Moaning Myrtle.

"Can't you go and disturb someone else?" she shrieked, glaring down at us. "You're making my death far more depressing then it should be!"

"Sorry Myrtle, we were just... talking." Tina stammered, giving her an awkward smile. I sat up slowly, giving Myrtle a charming smile. She frowned. This can't be good.

"You were talking about me, weren't you?" Myrtle sniffed, silent tears falling down her white cheeks.

"Wh-what? N-no!" stuttered Tina, getting up to be level with Myrtle's feet. "We-we were just... talking.... a-about... -"

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