Our First Trip to the Movies

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

T: Sai.. Kusuo,

S: What is it, Kokomi?

T: Let's go watch a movie.

S: Why?

T: What do you mean why? For a date.

S: I don't think you know how hard it is for a psychic to enjoy being in a movie theater.

T: Is it? But didn't we met each other at a movie theatre?

S: That's because I had a ring that blocks people's thoughts.

T: You have a ring that blocks people's thoughts?

I showed her a germanium ring with a blue gem that has a black outline. The ring also has a black M at each side of the gem.

T: Oh, I did remember you wearing something like this. Should I wear one too?

S: Why?

So we could match.

S: That's not exactly why I don't wear the ring.

T: Then why don't you? Wouldn't it be comforting to wear it?

S: It is. But I don't wear it in public anymore. I'm still not used to being in public without sensing people's thoughts.

There's also the fact that not knowing people's thoughts remind me of Nendou.

T: The why won't we try it?

S: Try what?

T: We go watch a movie while you're wearing the ring. We can actually have a normal date. And you can practice not using your powers.

S: Hmmm...

T: Come on, it'll be fun.


T: Kusuo.

S: Fine. But you're going to have to help me out for this.

T: Got it! Leave it to me!

Seems like she's looking forward to it.

On the way to the theater, she took the opportunity to talk to me while I can't use telepathy.

T: Are you sure you don't want me to have the same ring.

I sighed before saying my first verbal words in a while,

S: Not really, cause I won't be using it much anyway.

T: But I want to match with you.

S: You do know that our relationship is a secret right?

T: Hm, you're no fun.

S: Don't worry, we'll have matching rings soon.

T: What do you mean by tha-

She chocked on her words as she realized what I meant.

We didn't say a word the entire trip because she's too embarrassed. When we arrived in front of the theatre, Kokomi suddenly had a realization.

Oh yeah, we haven't even decided what to watch yet.

Because of my experiences, I'm not exactly a movie person.

T: Maybe there's a new romance movie airing right now.

Oddly good timing if there was.

Well, good or not, we are still watching it. Let's go.

Kokomi insisted on buying the tickets and refused to tell me the title of the movie. When I entered the theater, there are more women than couples. It tells me that the appeal of the movie is primarily the male lead, and that slightly worries me.

I asked Kokomi when she sat down next to me.

S: What is this movie called?

She checks the ticket and reads it out.

T: 100 Ways to Fall in Love.


Don't tell me.

I looked at the promotional pamphlet for the movie.

There's an attractive female lead and,

?: Kokomi?!

Makoto Teruhashi.

Makoto Teruhashi: I thought you didn't want to watch the movie with me? And is that, SHITTY FOUR EYES?!

T: Oni-san, don't be too loud, they can hear yo-

"Wait, is that Makoto Teruhashi?!"

The theatre became chaotic as everyone ran to Makoto, causing us to be swept in the crowd.

Once again, my movie theatre moment is ruined.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now