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POV: Mysterious 3rd Person

T: Thank you for reading "A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love."!!!

S: What are you doing?

T: Thanking our readers.

S: Why are we the ones doing it?

T: Because we're the main characters.

S: We're not even original characters, using us to promote fanfiction is kind of insince-

An X of black tape was suddenly slapped onto Kusuo's mouth out of thin air.

T: That's a sign that you shouldn't sweat the details.

S: I don't even talk with my mouth.

T: Anyway, this story has gone a long way.

S: Sure does.

T: We've done so many things and and went to so many places.

S: Which is mostly her idea.

T: You bring me there anyway.

T: Our relationship has grown so much as well.

S: It did help the both us to grow as people and a couple.

T: But enough about us, it's about time we focus on you!

S: Me?

Kokomi points to you. 

T: The readers!

S: Oh.

T: You can ask us, or even the writer, RidOne anything about the story!

S: Why would they want to ask us anything?

T: Well, we have become different enough from the original story so we can even give unique answers. 

T: In return, we want feedback from you readers as well!

S: We're being interactive now?

T: The 54 parts you've read, believe it or not, is only season 1!

S: A lot of content for a first season.

T: Have to start the foundations somewhere.

T: And season 2, is underway! With a new title as well.

S: The setting of second season doesn't really fit the current title.

T: So this is our first question for you readers! 

Would you like season 2 to be an entire new book, or continue here and we just change the current title?

S: Is that all?

T: We have an optional question as well! Second question!

Do you want to see another anime/manga you want the writer to cover from his profile description, or if there isn't, do you want more Saiki K fanfiction?

S: Why is that important?

T: Maybe some of our readers really like his writing style.

S: What's the point of asking the readers questions if another chapter is going out anyway?

T: That's where our next announcement comes in, RidOne, writer of "A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love.", is taking a short break!

S: What makes him want to take a break?

T: Because, ever since "A Mother's Just Desserts", the writer has been writing from scratch every 1 or 2 days!

S: I would want to compliment him, but that would be conceited.

T: So to prevent burn-out, the writer decided to do another short small project to take a break.

S: For how long?

T: A week maximum!

S: It is a short break.

T: So this is goodbye for now, thank you for enjoying our story! Come on Kusuo, see them off!

S: Good grief. See you soon readers.

Saiki & Teruhashi: Goodbye!

After the goodbye, you hear their last conversation,

S: What do you want to eat?

T: I feel like some octopus tomato pasta.

S: A weirdly specific meal.

They leave, but the scene doesn't end, someone shows up. The mysterious 3rd person was the writer, RidOne!

"So uh yeah, sincerely, thank you so much for reading and enjoying my story. I never expected my story to get this much attention and positive feedback, and I can't thank everyone enough. If you feel like it, you can even send me artwork in the context of my story so I can promote it or even put it as the cover of a chapter or if it's good enough, can even become the cover of the whole story! If that's too much to ask, the most you can do is answer the questions Kokomi asked you, it would help me understand my readers and cater to your interests." 

"I promise you, I will return in a week max, but until then, see you later everyone, this was RidOne." 

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