Saint Brigade High School

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"it's the first day of summer and I get to go to my new school! yippeee!!!! new books, new faces! no more bullies! it is going to be perfect! I love studying!" july says to herself as she wakes up and looks at her clock, it's all blurry, until she puts on her glasses. 7:15 a.m. She excitedly gets out of bed and puts on her new uniform, which fits her tiny body perfectly, she ties up her hair into a messy bun and leaves for school. 


the entrance reads in BOLD **BOLD** letters as she walks in, she is immediately welcomed by weird looks, glances, and the popular kids laughing at her and mocking her.

'OH LOOK WE HAVE A CUTE LITTLE TRANSFER' one of them says to his  friend

'SHE LOOKS LIKE A LOSER' the other says

July immediately feels embarrassed. She thought she would be freed of bullying after switching schools....guess not.

Ignoring all the harsh jokes and people trying to trip her over and make fun of her...she goes to class...she sits at a random seat and looks around to see who is in her class

the popular girls, simping over hot boys and talking about their chanel bags and gucci clothes

the shy girls not caring about anyone

the hot guys looking all smug at those girls

an empty chair next to her...maybe someone is late

and herself...a loner, who's getting bullied on her first day. She knows she wont be able to fit in with anyone. Shes not rich like the popular girls, not shy like the shy girls, not smug like the hot guys....what if the guy next to her is rude aswell?

This is not good.

It Was The First Day Of SummerWhere stories live. Discover now