The New Seatmate (July POV)

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July is sitting in her seat, clearly not making any new friends, then...she sees the guy who is sitting next to her...who she hoped was kind, turned out to be the BIGGEST troublemaker in school...and she could have sworn she saw him mouth "F#$K GODDAMIT!" when he saw that she was his new seatmate. Something in her gut tells her that these two will NOT get along.

he un-willingly and annoyed walks up to her and sits next to her not saying a word

July looks at him nervously and awkwardly 'H-hey...' he doesn't listen, he's probably too busy flirting with 40 girls altogether. 'HEY!' she shouts, he looks at her with one of the coldest expressions she has ever seen. 'UH uh i-am sorry..d-do you have a pen?' she asks him. he doesn't reply...he just throws a pen at her face.


the popular girls he's flirting with are swooning over him like CRAZY, I mean why wouldn't they? he's the hottest guy in school....but July isn't swooning over him...she thinks he is annoying and rude after he just THREW that pen in her face, plus, he's not paying any attention to class...July likes smart guys...r-right?

Zach ignores her for most of the class, after class, he just takes his pen back from SNATCHES it back, without even asking if she's done with it.

what a jerk.

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