Chapter I arriving at the base.

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Year 2024

Month July

On an army bus heading for a base in Texas.

More than 20 men, all conscripted into the US military, were heading to this base to begin training to be part of the army.

"Hey, does anyone have any food?" a young man asked one of his conscript friends.

"Yeah, Henry, I've got a sandwich for you," David informed him.

"Oh, David, who is that person next to you?" enquired Henry.

David glanced at the individual and replied: "I don't know, Henry, why don't we ask him?

"Well, fine, we can ask him," Henry retorted to David.

"What's your name, mate?" David asked the individual next to him.

"OK, new recruits, this is our stop, everyone get out and report to the training area at 2pm," shouted the army recruiter to all the men on the bus.

The army recruiter then watched as all 23 men got off the bus and marched to the training area.

In the training area.

"All right, new soldiers, listen to us, you're all strong and brave young men, aren't you? Now answer me: you left your families to serve in the army and protect our great United States of America," shouted Sergeant Joe to the new recruits, who were all wearing army uniforms.

Joe then approached and inspected all the soldiers to see if all 23 men had heard what he said.

Then he decided to ask each of them.

After asking 22 men if they heard what he said, they all replied: " Sir, yes, we heard you, sir".

He then noticed that the last man was standing still, without answering his question.

"Young man, what's your name and that's an order," he shouted at the supposed man.

What? Did that man shout at me?

"...Miyuki... I mean, Mark, my name is Mark and I heard you, yes, sir," I saluted.

"Well done and protect the troops well," Joe ordered me.

After a while, the soldiers returned to their lodgings.

It had been a tiring day, but I wondered who the general of this base is.

However, if I get caught using a falsified name and a falsified age to join the army, I'll be damned if I'm going to get caught, but I'm lucky that the devil hasn't realised my mistake by now.

"Mark, the general wants to speak to you now," ordered Joe.

"Yes, sir."

I soon made my way to the general's office.

"Come in, are you Mark Davidson?" the general inquired.

"Yes, sir, that's my name," I declared as I saluted the general.

" Honestly, you look very promising, I even saw how you improved with the exercise earlier this afternoon," the general complimented me.

"Well, thank you, my parents have been very strict about wanting me to join the military since I was a young boy, so I followed their wishes," I assured him.

"And, Mark, before you go, why don't you pass me a glass of rum and don't worry, it's on us?" the general questioned me.

I then handed him the glass of rum and watched him drink it all in one gulp.

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