Never intterupt him

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It had been a few days, maybe about 3 days since the death of Owen Dj, and Geoff. They had no longer tried to hide the food they gathered as the big, friendly food machine was no longer with them. They had all gone out to find food once or twice during those 3 days, some had just gone into the forest in hopes of finding Dj. They were never sure how he had died, or if he had even died. They had held out hope he escaped. They knew that wasn't possible, Cody saw it. He saw the killer chasing Dj, all they could do was hope he was ok, just like Cody had once told Noah.

"I think we should go try gather food one last time," Katie suggested.
"Why would we do that, we have plenty of food for about a week?" Trent asked.
"Maybe because we'll be stuck here for life? A weeks food isn't going to last us idiot." Ava responded.
"He was just asked a question geez," Gwen said. Trent gave her a small smile and she smiled back before looking the other direction.
"So what are we waiting for? It's midday it would be easier to just go now!" Courtney mentioned.
"Princess is right, we should go now." Duncan smirked.

Duncan and Courtney had made it quite clear there was something between them. Their relationship had not changed since Total drama island. They were the exact same. The same love hate relationship. They fought a lot but when it came down to it Duncan was always by Courtney's side. It was the same for Courtney, she was the only one who had seen his softer side through all of this, she saw the guilt on Duncan's face when he got Noah killed, or the sadness he felt when his 3 best friends were killed in one night. Everyone had argued that night. Izzy saying it should have been Duncan instead of Dj. She was by his side for all of it. Even though deep down there was a part of her that thought Izzy was right, Dj was a sweet kind guy, and Duncan was the complete opposite, but nobody should have died. That's it. The one person who should have died isn't even on the island! It wasn't fair. None of it was.

"Gwen come with me, we can go hunting together," Trent told Gwen.
"That would be cool," Gwen remarked.
"Oh look Goth girl and Guitar boy decided to start over! So.. weird," Heather commented

They all looked at Heather. How had she survived this long. She was mean, loud and vein. She only cared about her looks and about her popularity.

"Girl your just upset you don't have Alejandro right now," Leshawna and Izzy both exclaimed.

They were both right of course. Alejandro had not been invited by Chris has he was technically not an "Og" member of the cast. Heather was glad that he had not come. Of course it was better him then her to her but both of them would have been way worst. She may have been cruel but she would never wish death on her lover. She would wish death on everyone else though. It was just the type of person she was made too be. Especially because all her bully's from when she was 12 had made her to become the bully she was now. She didn't want to be this way but she was. She couldn't change it.

"Guys let go get the food instead of arguing," Harold muttered.

They all left the cabin. The door creaked open. They had just assumed that the murderer didn't hear them, but they were so wrong. They all split into 2s, a stupid idea but anymore then 2s it would result in an argument, and after what Duncan did nobody wanted to trust him in a group. Trent and Gwen went to the left side of the woods. Izzy and Ava went towards the lake, Courtney and Duncan went towards the right side, Cody and Harold decided to go towards the middle. Leshawna and Katie decided to go at the bottom of the cliff. Heather, well she decided to stay in the cabin alone, work wasn't for her, and she had already done enough over the past month or so. Trent and Gwen walked through the woods, it was starting to become sunset. Gwen and Trent watched the sunset. This might be the last time they would get too. Since they weren't going out to scavenge for a long time. Gwen was prepared for the worst, and Trent knew she was.

"The sunsets just a pretty as your eyes," Trent smiled

Gwen just stared, then smiled. She had forgotten everything, it was just her and Trent, just like before, how it was before.

"We should get going, the others are probably waiting for us," Gwen laughed

It was dark. They couldn't even see the floor, they held hands and walked through the forest, their sense of direction seemed to be good by now. Suddenly Trent felt a sharp pain . He grunted. Gwen tried her best her hardest to get him out. This couldn't be happening. He was stuck. He got stuck in a bear trap. Gwen struggled and struggled and stopped. There was a rustling noise coming from the bushes. It was them. She ran, she hadn't though about her actions or what her and Trent had. Her survival was all that had mattered to her. She felt an ounce of guilt as she ran away, listening to Trent's screams of pain and worry.


There was no time to help him. Gwen ran away holding the tears in her eyes. She could feel his pain. He understood her like nobody else did, and now back she was to being misunderstood by everyone. How could she be so foolish. Maybe if they hadn't gone to watch the sunset he would have still lived, or maybe she just wouldn't feel as guilty, but what's done is done and there was no going back..


She could still hear it faintly but by now she wished she didn't. Her guilt started to build up into worry and anger. She jus5 needed to get back to the cabin. Then she could be mad at herself later.

Trent fought. Not for him anymore. For Gwen. Maybe if he could kill the murderer the killings would stop? Gwen would be safe. He hated that was all he cared about. She had clearly not cared about him, but he know it wasn't her fault. She didn't want this but she had to be safe. At least one of them could make it out alive. All these thoughts running through his head. There was simply not enough time to answer all of his thoughts. He was caught he was hung onto the nearest tree. Still alive and in pain. Yet he didn't make a sound. He knew it was his time. He just hoped that Gwen was safe. Suddenly he was impaled by fishing spears. Multiple. He died instantly screaming as they got closer and closer. He was gone. 12 down.. only god knows how many are left.

Gwen rushed back to the cabin tears in her eyes. Courtney hugged her tight. She knew what happened. Trent was gone. This was the first time Gwen had cried over anyone's death on this island. The feeling was unnatural to her. Gwen did even get to say goodbye. Her tears swelled her throat up. She couldn't talk. She was chocked up. The others let her get some rest as Duncan dragged Heather, Cody and Ava to go find Trent.

"GUYS IVE FOUND HIM," Duncan shouted. He had found him. Hung on a tree, multiple spears shoved into to his throat. His leg still with a bear trap stuck to it. He was in pain. But there was not a look of terror. Instead peace. He was dead. How could they let another person die? It was all building up in their heads as they walked back to the cabin.. Another night they were all safe.

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