1 - like violence

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The impact wasn't even that bad. You'd think falling from such great heights would at least hurt a little. The thing is- you have to remember to enjoy the fall. It's not long, but it feels like forever. Wind in your hair- wind in your everywhere really- it's a good time if you can just remember to take it all in.

I couldn't really get a good sense of location. Even though it feels like forever, it's not. The shift in scenery at that speed makes it hard to pinpoint, but I could confirm it wasn't any ocean. Bummer; that could have been cool.

Island prison. Just think- green coconuts, warm sand, and swimming.

But, that wasn't for me. Nope, I got sent into the middle of the woods. Could be waaay worse. Trees, nature, animals- all that could be really therapeutic. Maybe this was a form of mercy.

Laying on the cool ground, a swift breeze tossed autumn leaves playfully, while I stared up at the sky above. So big, so blue, so beautiful. Tears formed, blurring my vision. I stayed like that for a long time, mapping the tall pines. The longer I stared, the more I started to see pictures in the silhouettes of the branches. Like reading ink blots. The setting sun eventually ended my stalling and I stood, stretching. Wood thrush calls echoed through the otherwise silent trees as a clear evening sky highlighted the Big Dipper.

"What's that?" I mused, registering lights through the underbrush. Without hesitation, I moved forward. I really hadn't expected company, figuring that solitude was an intentional factor. The implications made me giddy.

I moved through the woodland swiftly, for someone shoeless. It's not like I got to pack. I was suddenly thankful for the mild weather, briefly envisioning being dropped in the snow. A small shiver ran through me at the thought. Clad in a cardigan, oversized tank top, and leggings I wasn't fit for any extreme temperatures.

Popping out of the treeline, I paused in front of the small cabin. It looked... homey. A warm glow emitted from inside, inviting me in. Moving forward, I strode up to the front door with pep in my step, ready to meet my bunkmate. I knocked and waited. No one answered so I knocked again.

"Hello?" I called. Maybe I was alone. Maybe my accommodations were just more accommodating than I had expected. They left the light on for me- like that motel.

Testing the knob, I found it to be unlocked so I stepped inside. Closing the door behind me, I turned to call out again, but was silenced by a hand.

Dark eyes enveloped me before my vision spun as the hand holding my face jerked my head to the side. Sharp teeth penetrated the flesh of my neck causing me to scream out against the palm muting me. My attacker's other hand pinned me by my wrist, overpowering me with ease.

A shudder passed through me as I felt my strength start to fade. Shifting with me, the force draining me continued pulling until I could feel it in my toes. He released my wrist to cradle my torso to him, drinking hungrily. Reaching up, I intended some kind of damage or at least discomfort. Instead, my arm lazily slapped down on his head where I attempted to pull his hair. To my distaste, this just seemed to add to his lust as he moaned in response.

We slipped down to the floor, where kneeling, the beast upon me finally released me for air. He took a deep breath, tilting his head back, my blood dripping down his chin. Lowering his gaze, he met mine and smiled, before my vision blurred into nothingness.

Sometime later, I woke up on the floor, barely inside the cabin. I reached up and tested the tender flesh of my neck. A hiss escaped me in response, but I was glad to find the wound closed. Thankfully, I couldn't die on this plane. Not really.

Sitting, I looked around but couldn't see much from my current position.

"Are you just going to sit on the floor all night?" I heard from the other side of the couch. A dark figure stood before me. His eyes had lost their bloodlust but his smile was still just as predatorial. "Or are you going to join me?"

A rocks glass held about a finger's worth of caramel-colored liquid. He outstretched a hand to me; waiting, gauging. I looked over his blood-tinged skin with recognition before standing on my own.

The cabin was lived in but neat. A fire glowed in the hearth, warming the abode from the chill autumn air. A loveseat was positioned back to the entrance, where we stood, perpendicular to a recliner that faced the bay window.

To my right was a small kitchen. It had two bar stools tucked into a high-top counter that mirrored the placement of the couch to create a sort of hall upon entering. Across the open space, a back door. An open loft occupied the second story.

Turning my attention back to the creature before me, I looked him over.

"Oh yeah, take it in," he wafted at me like I was judging his palette.

His eyes had lightened considerably and offset the dark locks that came down to meet his thick brows. Strong features accentuated the side smirk he gave me, seemingly amused. Holding my gaze, he finished his drink before giving me the same scrutiny.

I stood unmoving under his evaluation before capturing his gaze again.

"I really thought they were sending me to some kind of isolation or convent, but here you are," I said, finally pulling a grin to my face. "My redemption."

"What are you going on about?" My companion asked while moving to refill his glass. The decanter clinked as he replaced the crystal topper.

Approaching, I moved slowly and announced myself, "I'm Ash," I said, mustering all the hospitality I could, given my blood stained skin and dirty feet.

"Listen, Ash- whoever you are- in case you missed the memo, this isn't a safe place for you to be. Probably about time to run." He gave me a toothy grin, reminding me of the very recent personal experience I had gained.

I raised my hands up in surrender. "The thing is, I think I'm here to help you-"

"I don't want or need help from you," he gestured widely. "I was supposed to be alone out here."

"Right... I'm sorry about intruding. Unfortunately, there's not really a good way to get rid of me-"

Before I even finished my sentence, the figure in front of me launched forward, grasping my head roughly in his large hands. His eyes were manic as he twisted- snapping my neck in one smooth motion.

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