17 - crash course

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Stunned, I examined the shimmering soul before me. The edges were smooth, repaired from their previously tattered state. Inside, the muddled mass was speckled, looking like a fluid galaxy. The crimson force still moved through the interior but its movements were less frantic; placid, almost somber. There were similarities sure, but if I hadn't been so intimately familiar with this particular soul, it could easily have been misidentified.

Hesitantly, I approached. I knew I was bringing him back to a state of pain; I could only hope that the joy I intended to share with him could outweigh it.

Gently, I wrapped myself around him. I felt motion as the squirming in him increased, his soul becoming aware of my presence. And then I pushed all of my love into him. I felt it flow out and around him, forming a cocoon of utter devotion.

"Atticus, I love you," I whispered, the sound silenced by the nothingness that surrounded us. Repeating my profession, I pulled from deep within myself to project the purity of my will.

The void around us seemed to quiver, like a chill running through a body but I only held tighter and continued repeating soundlessly. As the tremors evolved into convulsion, I figuratively held my breath and we were violently thrust in an indiscernible direction.

Light flooded my vision as I felt my back collide with the ground, weight crushing me from above as I still held tightly to the creature locked in my grip. The wind knocked out of me, I gasped. My wide eyes were filled with dark tousled hair from the head buried in my neck. I loosened my grip to nudge the toned form off of me, so as to catch my breath, but stilled when I heard a low rumble. Adrenaline spiking, I pushed myself up breathlessly to block my passenger from the imposing threat. I recognized then that we were no longer outside the back of the cabin, but somewhere in the dense woods.

Yellow eyes meeting mine, the jaguar bared its teeth.

"You have the souls. Let me have him," I croaked out.

Enormous black paws padded closer.

"Let me HAVE HIM!" I screamed, pushing past the ache in my chest and throat. I scrambled to my feet and moved towards the beast to better block the body behind me.

The muscular creature snarled and batted the air before me in threat. I glanced back and saw Atticus still lying prone but beginning to stir. I certainly couldn't carry him, so I would defend him instead. Standing my ground, I called out, a discordant note reverberating through the crisp autumn air.

The cat shook its head and whined before swatting at me. Its claws, short but extremely sharp, dug into my shoulder, effectively ripping my flesh and tossing me aside. Warmth flowed down my arm as I turned back to the beast. It was stalking towards Atticus who was attempting to sit up. He was covered in dirt and leaves, seemingly unaware of our predicament.

As the reaper moved closer, I lunged between them. "Leave us," I demanded in a dissonant tone.

Fierce eyes narrowing, the creature snapped at me. "You DARE command me?" A booming, staticky voice rang through my ears; a dose of my own medicine. "If I didn't find the taste of your soul so repulsive, I would just eat you," The cat's gaze flicked beyond me to Atticus before resettling on me. "But instead I'm forced to use violence. Life imitates art, as they say."

Before I could respond, the enormous feline lunged at me, knocking me backward. Teeth ripping into my throat, my scream quickly dulled to a gurgle as white-hot pain consumed me. Drowning out my own pathetic noises was a monstrous roar. My vision was already fading, but a dark silhouette flashed by and I felt the massive jaws release me as my assailant retreated.

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