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Sixth of March, 2020

"Harry, why are we doing this again?" Amelia asked rubbing her temples as she leaned onto her brother in the car. They had been out on a joint schedule that morning.

Harry was scrolling through his iPad keeping tabs on the news and often switching to keep an eye on Meghan through the surveillance cameras.

"I don't know, just be patient."

"How come Layla is not here? She is mostly with us when we are out on joint schedules, correction, she is always with me."

"We're just opening a museum, Layla had something to do."


"You want to say something, don't you."



"Fine, is it true?"

"Is what true." He stopped what he was doing to look up at her

"You leaving the title and all of that."

"It's an ongoing conversation, I think it would be safer that way."

"Harry, you are actually leaving?! I know what 'ongoing conversation' means. I practically made that excuse growing up."

"I feel like it would be safer, for Meghan and the kids. I don't want her to go through what mum went through."

"I mean she is a royal now, obviously she is going to go through what mum went through, we all do."

"Britain is racist and you know it. If Meghan stays here they might kill her, it feels inevitable."

"And moving to America would things better? Harry, you are the next in line of anything is to happen to William, you have been trained to take the throne under intense circumstances and scrutiny. Your whole life you've been trained to do so, I have no training whatsoever. I cannot handle the pressure."

"Technically, George is next in line, you know that."

"So you would let a child go in blindly?" 

"We'll figure it out when the times comes, George already knows practically everything plus he has you and Catherine, and I assure you Will is not dying anytime soon and yes you can, you can handle anything that gets thrown your way. You just need to stop overthinking it, no such thing will happen to Will. Let's go, we've arrived."

The two royals stepped out of the car and walked towards the museum. As they walked in however, they were met with another person, someone that made Amelia's jaw drop.

"Ah Lewis, good to see you again." Harry wrapped his arms around the man as he did the same. The Princess was frozen in her spot until she was acknowledged.

"Oh and my sister, she'll be going us today. Amelia, this is Lewis Hamilton. He drives for the Mercedes f1 team and Lewis, this is my baby sister Amelia." Harry spoke like this was the most normal interaction and nothing was shocking about the meeting.

Amelia quickly pulled herself together before she started to speak.

"Lewis, it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Your Highness."

"Oh please, call me Amelia." She smiled offering her hand for a shake, ignoring all royal protocol.

"Good, now that you guys are acquainted, let's start shall we?"

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